I think i love you

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The week everyone has been working like crazy, trying to do great so they don't get fired. By now a bunch of people was already fired, and one day Meredith and Lexi's dad came into the ER.
"Meredith, his neighbor said he was not getting his mail," Lexies says as he helps her father walk.
" Meredith hi!" Thatcher says while breathing heavily.
Christina pipes in saying, " You, me, and Izzi will just go."
" No, No, no. I don't know what's wrong with him." lexies panicking.
" Did you pick him up off the floor of a bar, Lexie? That might be a clue." Meredith says snarkily.
" Meredith, no I'm not... I have not been drinking I swear" thatcher claims as he throws up blood all over the floor.
" now that could be surgical," Christina says.
Meredith finds Adam sitting at the nurses' station.
She then says to him" I think dads dead. At first, I thought he was drunk but then he started puking blood which means...:"
" End-stage liver failure," Adam says.
"which means he's probably dead by now, or he needs a transplant and I don't think I can handle him being in the hospital for months. "Meredith says, ranting off to him. that is what Alex approached saying, "hey mer. "
"He needs a transplant doesn't he."  Meredith said sadly.
"Yeah," Alex says.
That's when she and Adam share a look knowing that now he's going to be in the hospital for quite some time.

Meredith goes into the room along with lexie, Adam decides to tag along to support them.
"you got end-stage cirrhosis, "says  Bailey to Thatcher, "  we can treat the symptoms but the only thing that can save your life as a transplant"
"  How did it happen this fast?' Lexie asks.
" He bathes it in gin," Alex says inconsiderately.
" Alex" Lexie protests.
"No, your friend is right. Except for the gin I was a scotch man. What's the next step here? Do I get on the list?" Thatcher asked, his voice breaking.
"Thatcher, the transplant board has a rule here. an alcoholic has to be sober at least a year before he qualifies for a donor's liver." Richard says.
At this realization, Thatcher says, " I'm only 90 days"
Everyone remains quiet until Lexie says, " I will do it. I'll do it today. I'll get tested right now"
Thatcher goes to protest but Lexie says, " No, they just have to take a piece of my liver and will regenerate on its own."
" I can't ask you to do something like that. It's major surgery, ''Thatcher says breathing heavily.
" you're not asking. you're my dad. Do you want a kidney? I'll throw in one of those too" Lexie says taking his hand.   Meredith and Adam take this uncomfortable moment and flip out over the room.

Adam and Meredith are walking down the hall when they see Christina talking to doctor Nelson.  Meredith stops and says, "  biology--  it's crap, utter crap. DNA, RNA,-- doesn't make someone your family."
" It does actually,"  Christina replies.
" Hey I share your DNA and I am your family."  Adam retaliates.
" Yeah, whatever. He needs a liver transplant.  Lexi volunteered as she should just get asked for a dollar bill. we left the room. He's not my father. "Meredith says shrugging.
"  correction, he is not my father. We share No DNA, you on the other hand..." Adam says.
" Shut up," Meredith says.
" Wait, your dad needs a transplant?" Christian asks.
That is when Meredith's pager goes off, she then says, " oh maybe not,  he may be dead this time." As she walks away.
" ugh I need surgery,"  Christina says.
" I have an aortic dissection in 2 hours,  prep the patient and you can scrub in," Adam tells Christina handing her the chart.
" oh thank God,  a real surgery!" Christina says her enough.

Few hours,  after Lexi found out that her blood was not a match,  Meredith was hiding hoping that Lexie would not come to ask her.   Meredith was getting someone's x-rays,  when Lexie entered the room saying,"  so I'm going to be fired.  I have done a lot of really dumb, including pulling your medical files."
" lexie--" meredith says being cut off by her.
"  Just listen.  I did not want to do this. I did not want to have to come to you for anything ever involving our dad. so I thought if I looked up your blood type and it was the wrong one then that would be it . Then I could just stop thinking about it.  but I can't. Because you have his blood type. and I know that he's not your dad. I know that he was never there for you, and I'm--.  I would never ask you to give anything.  he does not deserve a thing from you. He really does not. but he's--  he's going to die, Meredith. and so I am asking you to give something to me. I'm asking... I'm asking you to give me my dad. because as crappy as he was to you, oh, he was wonderful to me. he never missed a single dance recital. he was there at my fifth-grade graduation, and what is that it's not even a real thing. he's not your dad and I know that. but somehow... you have his blood, and I don't. so I'm asking you... give me my dad." lexie tells Meredith while crying.

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