What happened

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As Meredith sat there watching her brother monitor, she just wanted him to wake up so she could hear his voice again. She laid her head on his bed, to rest so she could feel closer to him. That's when she heard the bustle of Dr.Bailey, Dr.Torres, Alex, and his interns enter the room for rounds.
"Hey Meredith, we are just gonna do rounds then we will be out of your hair.", says Alex sympathetically.
"Yeah, go ahead.", Meredith says placing her hand on top of his.
Then to everyone's surprise (including Meredith's), the man's eyelids began to flutter at her touch. "Meri..?" he asked in quiet, hoarse hush, his deep green eyes immediately focusing on the woman whose name he had spoken.

Meredith smiled, laughed, and let the tears flow as she tenderly looked down. She sniffled, causing him to laugh.
"You're awake, and alive!", says meredith wiping the tears from her face.
"I missed you. More than anything in the world Meri..." They smiled at each other, when he lifted his unarmed arm and poked her on the side of her stomach that he always knew made her laugh.
She burst out laughing, and snorted.
"I hate you!", Meredith says smiling.
"Oh come on, you love me!" Adam says with a slight smirk on his face.
"Sadly I do," Meredith chuckles.
"How have you been doing kiddo we have some catching up to do."
You gotta be kidding me, I am way past being called kiddo!"Meredith says her eyes watering against hearing her brother's nickname for her.
"You will always be kiddo to me," he chuckles
The other doctors watched the scene unfold, seeing this whole new side to Meredith, and seeing her smile like this makes their hearts warm.
"Remember the last time I made a surprise vist to see you?" said Adam.
"Umm, we are going to give you guys to catch up, we will be back later.", says Dr. Bailey.
" Thank you! Of course I remember.", said Meredith.


Merdith, Amelia, and Sadie were chilling out with their three guy neighbors (James, Jackson, and Sam) in their apartment drinking beer and tequila.
" Okay, we should definitely throw like a giant party, combining both of our apartments.", said James.
"Oh god yes!!!", says Sadie.
"Wait what about the other neighbors", says Sam.
"Oh, why do you have to be so intelligent, and bring the party down.", says Amelia.
" Eh, why throw a party when you can go to others and not pay a cent.", says Meredith.
"Now that is why you are my favorite," Says Jackson.
Jackson and Meredith were friends with benefits, they would have sex and kiss, but their emotianal relationship was pure friendsip(or at least they liked to say they were just friends). They both were really good at being in denial, and both grew up with a single mom, so don't really understand stable/healthy relationships.
"I am also extremely super smart.", says Meredith taking a shot of her drink.
"Ok lets play a game," says Sam.
"Oh yes!!", says Amelia.
"What are we gonna play?", says Amelia.
"I vote to play strip poker", says James smirking.
"I am super drunk, so let's do it," says Meredith, drinking more tequila.
One hour later, Jackson only had pants and boxers on, James had everything on besides his socks and shoes, and Sam had only boxers and socks on. Sadie had only her bra, underwear, and shirt on. Amelia had her only shoes, socks, and shirt off, and Meredith was only wearing a bra and underwear. They were all freakishly wasted.
That's when they heard someone knock on the door, and they opened to find Adam standing in the doorway.
"It's ADAM!!!", says  Amelia.
"Oh hey, isn't Adam you brother, cool," James says slurring his word together.
"Adam!!!", sasy Meredith running over and giving him a giant hug.
"Ummm, you're naked?!", sasy Adam, furious and amused all at the same time.
Meredith then starts laughing, and she can't stop. SHe then looks at Adam and passes out into his arms. He picks her up and puts her over his shoulder.
"Ahh that's our cue to go home! Bye man nice meeting you," says Sam.
"Yah, that would be good.", Adam says, glaring at the guys.
He then took Meredith to her room and laid her underneath her covers, when he went back out into the living room, the girls were also asleep.
He decides to just go fall asleep in the chair that sits in Meredith's bedroom.
The next morning...
" Oh God! My head." Meredith says.
Adam chuckles, and says, " Hey kiddo, I was not expecting this visit to begin by me seeing you and your friends naked."
"Adam! OH, I just remembered everything, god I am so sorry....This is so embarrassing." Meredith says burying her head in her pillow.
" It's okay kiddo, we will hang out later okay, I missed you." says Adam.
End of Flashback

"That was incredibly embarrassing but, I really enjoyed that funny memory while you were umm ...gone", Meredith reminisces.
Meredith feels like she's about to cry again, just thinking about all the trauma her brother has been through.
"What happened to you Adam? I was told you were dead." Meredith says as a single tear streams down her face.
"Um, I was traveling in one of the medic vehicles, when we were ambushed. It really was not too bad, they kept me in a place and just had me be their doctor. I got food and water, and I continued to work as a doctor. The only rule was to do what I was asked of, and I would not get hurt. The only problem was that um about well a week ago th place was bombed and that's how I got hurt. But that is also how I was found soooo... the bomb was not so bad." says Adam.
" You were held hostage for four ....years?" Meredith says taking heavy breaths.
" Yah, what got me through is knowing one day I would get out and see you and how far you have accomplished kiddo" Adam says with a tear rolling down his face. " Here, come lay with me"
Meredith stands up and goes to the uninjured side of the bed, and lays down with him. He puts his arm around her, and she lays her head on him. They then both feel the safest they have felt in years, and fall soundly asleep.

Outside of the room, Christina, Alex, and Lexie are talking to each other.
"I still can't believe that Mereditha had a secret brother." says Christina.
" Do you think that he's my half-brother oh, my dad never mentioned a son but he did mention Meredith. So I'm really confused and how I'm related to this guy." says Lexie
" Maybe your father prefers Meredith over Adam oh, so he just never mentioned the dude", says Alex.
"I doubt he would do that Alex!", says Lexie, defending her father.
"I'm just still so confused. We tell each other everything oh, so why didn't she tell me about her Secrets Dead Brother." Christina said.
As they sit at the nurses station peeking into the sleeping forms of Meredith and Adam, they begin to think about how there is a whole different side to Merdith they never knew. She had a whole different life.

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