Chapter One

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

First and foremost I thank Allah (swt) for granting me this opportunity to spread the message of Islam. I hope this book brings you joy and spirituality inshallah. May Allah (swt) grant you all firdous.

Your sister in Islam

Ihsan's POV
"Yallah Fatima we are going to be late for the first taraweh of Ramadan!" I yelled as I checked my watch for the fifth time. I was waiting for my best friend Fatima, as usual, to get dressed so we could go to the masjid (islamic house of worship) and pray taraweeh (islamic prayer in ramadan). I absolutely loved Ramadan! It was my favourite time of the year and between the food, spirituality and atmosphere it wasn't hard to see why. Especially going to the mosque during Ramadan, there air just seemed to be charged with iman (spirituality), the ummah (Islamic nation) became closer and prayer was inexplicable but at the rate Fatima was going we were never going to make it.

Fatima and I had been friends from birth and have been inseparable ever since. It made sense really, our mums were best friends, our dads were business partners in their doctors surgery as well as best friends and our annoying brothers where also bestfriends. Probably the only difference between our families was that Fatima has three elder sisters and I have a baby brother. We grew up together, went to the same primary, high school and we're currently at the same uni, only difference is she's doing midwifery and I'm doing speech pathology.

And incase you haven't noticed, Fatima is always late! "Fatima!!!" I bellowed one last time as I saw her running down the stairs, securing a pin with one hand and holding her larger than life handbag in the other and if I wasn't in such a hurry I would have laughed. "Sorry Ihsan! But I was just having a bad scarf day. How do I look?" She asked out of breathe. "You look beautiful habibiti but yallah we have to go! Baba and mama are already at the door." She smiled at me and we made our way to the front door where my baba and mama were waiting, not to mention my adorable little brother, Muhammad. I scooped up Muhammad and began to tickle his tummy. He began to laugh and I could just make out a fine set of eight teeth at the ripe old age of 3. "Are you ready Habibti?" Came my baba's voice. "Yes, let's go" I replied. "Leths goooww" came Muhammad's echo and we all laughed.

As we piled in the car on our way to the masjid I couldn't help but think at how lucky I was. Allah (swt) had blessed me with another year while many didn't make it and I silently promised that I would try to make this Ramadan as beneficial as possible. Fatima's voice came, pulling me out of my thoughts "Did you hear? Apparently there's a new speaker today. He's studying to become a Sheikh (religious figure) under Sheikh Umar"
"Wow Mashallah! That sounds great, it's goods to see young people really getting into the deen. I hope he's good tonight inshallah"
"See young people? Honey you haven't even seen him yet."
"Oh shut up Fatima! You know what I mean"
"And...I heard his single"
"Well you never know"
"Mhm. Don't get any ideas missy. May Allah (swt) grant him a pious wife and that's the end of it"
"And may Allah (swt) make that woman one of us" she whispered
"I heard that!"

Just then baba pulled into the driveway and we had arrived. As I looked out of my window the sight never ceased to amaze me. Subhanallah! Mashallah! TabarakAllah! The masjid looked amazing with the twinkling lights and I had to give it to the committee, they did a fantastic job. It just had an aura of peace and serenity and as we made our way inside I couldn't help but feel excited.

I looked around and was met with the sight of very familiar faces. As I volunteered at the masjid I knew practically everyone and they felt like my second family. Well almost everyone as I caught notice of a woman wearing the niqab (face covering) with beautiful brown eyes and the longest pair of eyelashes I had ever seen Mashallah!

Just then Fatima's mum, Khalto (aunty) Zaynab, came to greet us. "Salamualaykum (peace be upon you) girls! Glad you guys made it on time." She said with a look at Fatima to which she just blushed. "Walaykum Asalam Warahmat Allahu Wabaraktuhu (and may peace be upon you) Khalto Zaynab" I said as I hugged her. I was still thinking about that lady in the niqab when almost as though Khaltho Zaynab read my thoughts and said "You see that lady over there in the corner? She's new here so why don't you go over and make her feel welcome. Yallah Habibti go, you will get hasanat (good deeds)" Fatima and I agreed and as we made our way over to her I was glad that she was with me.

"Salamu alaykum sister. My name is Ihsan and this is my best friend Fatima" I said as I stuck my hand out to shake here. Wait what? Shaking her hand?? Like seriously Ihsan, what are we at work?! Ukh, let's hope she doesn't think your a total nut job. Not that you're not but that's another story. "Walaykum asalam Warahmat allahu Wabarakatuhu sister. My name's Ilham. Mashallah the masjid is beautiful" she said smiling. I could totally relate. "Jazakallahukheiran (may Allah (swt) reward you) the masjid committee did a pretty good job Hamdilah (all thanks is to Allah (swt))" Fatima said and before we fell into an awkward silence the call to prayer rang out from the speakers. "Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest x2)" The screen in front of us was switched on and we were able to see the brothers lining up for prayer with Sheikh Umar in front. I couldn't wait to hear Sheikh Umar's Quran (Islamic holy book) recitation. Mashallah (glory be to Allah (swt)) his voice was amazing. "Bismillahirahmanalrahim" came his voice and I immediately left this world.

My surroundings disappeared as I entered a dimension in which all that mattered was my creator and sustainer. Prayer was my 'me time' where I could just relinquish all my sorrows, problems and happiness to the One who truly understood me and had the power to change my condition.

As the Sheikh made salam (marking the end of prayer) I felt myself return to this world and I closed my eyes waiting for the soothing voice of Sheikh Umar to begin the lecture. But that wasn't what I heard. Instead I heard a voice filled with such passion and eloquence that I jerked my heard and opened my eyes to see the source of this distinct voice. As I looked at the screen I saw a young man, of average height, dressed in a white thawb (Islamic men's gown) with a full brown beard and microphone in hand as he gave tafseer (explanation) of surah al baqarah (the chapter of the cow). "Wow Mashallah! He is amazing" I whispered and I heard Ilham say "I'll be sure to let him know that"

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