Chapter Twenty

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

This chapter is dedicated to the lovely So_Relatablefor her comments, motivation and purity. Jazakallahukheiran Hun!

Alhamdulilah I'm pretty sick at the moment and I'm not saying this to burden you, rather I ask for your dua for my speedy recovery and for all those suffering around the world. Ameen!

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.


Your Sister In Islam


Yusufs POV
"Yusuf, I really wanted one!" Ilham whined. "Wanted one what? Ilham how about you start from the beginning" I said slowly, recognising that I could be on very thin ice here. And so she began telling me of how Fatima had mentioned having a baby shower but Ihsan "rudely but so unlike her" had rejected the idea completely. It did seem odd of Ihsan but it smelt of something like 'surprise baby shower.' Good thing Ilham hadn't picked up on it yet and I guess then it would be my job to ensure it stayed that way.

This may be tough...

Ihsans POV
"Is she having a boy or a girl?" Fatima inquired.
"She doesn't know, she wants to keep it a surprise"
"Oh" was all she replied.

We were currently at a party shop the size of Fatima's house and mine put together. Mashallah it was massive! But that also meant a lot of walking and being the perfectionist I am, it had to be perfect, which meant deciding could be difficult for me sometimes. Fatima on the other was completely different, she was the type to walk in a shop, scan it and walk out. She had a wide spectrum of taste so she would pick up the ugliest item, no joke, pair of up with another item and make it work beautifully. It was a talent Mashallah. But put us together and it wasn't the best of equations sometimes.

"Ihsan why couldn't we have bought this all online?"
"Because we have less than two weeks remember? Shipping takes time. And plus, I like tangible objects better than pictures"
"Ukh! You and your tangible objects!"
"Listen, how about you go to get us some food and come back. Okay?"
"Sounds good. What do you feel like?"
"SUSHI" we exclaimed simultaneously earning us a few looks from other customers.
"Sushi it is!" She laughed and went to get the good stuff. Now some peace to myself. Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!

3 hours later I had decided on a colour theme of yellow, slightly bias because I've always wanted neutral colours. None the less, with that colour scheme I had gotten yellow stuffed ducklings in little pouches as a gift bag, which would be embroided with the guests names. Yellow balloons, banners, puff poms, flowers, icing (I would be baking most of the food *squeal*) and chairs. Decorations aside, for the games I had gotten 'the my water broke' game whereby you had little plastic baby dolls which we frozen in an ice cube and each guest had to try and melt it with their mouth, the first had to shout "my water broke" and was the winner. I also bought 'advice for mummy' cards where guests would write advice for Ilham. 'Ping pong birth' was another one where guests had to hold a ping pong ball between their knees and walk to a jar where they had to drop it without using their hands. 'Baby food' was another one where guests had to guess the ingredients of baby food. Also we have, 'fastest nappy change' which was pretty self explanatory and of course, a 'chocolate baby treasure hunt'. Exhausted was an understatement but I still had to buy cake batter, cake decorations, a watermelon basinet and finger food. Ya Allah!

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