Chapter Twenty Four

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet, make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Ihsans POV
"Where could he be?" I wondered aloud to Ilham. Yusuf was due 3 hours ago and although I didn't like to admit it, I had a bad feeling about this. I just hope he wasn't hurt!

"He's probably just stuck in traffic" she tried to soothe.
"For 3 hours?" I retorted, worry etched in my face.
"Don't worry. It's going to be okay. Just make dua"
"You're right. Did you call him?"
"His phone is still turned off"

We had tried calling him 15 times and each time it went straight to voice mail, indicating that his phone was turned off. For all I know he could be laying in a hospital somewhere, taking his last breathe.

Ya Allah I hope he's okay...!

Yusufs POV
I couldn't do it. I couldn't face her or my family or anyone at the current state I was in. I was frustrated that I had to make this decision but that's the Qadr of Allah (swt) and He only wants what's best for me. I could always lie to sheikh and say that I hadn't gotten married but eventually he would find out. I could ask her to wait but I didn't want sheikh to look like 'the bad guy' to Ihsan and otherwise I had no excuse. All these thoughts were running through my head and I couldn't make sense of it all. Why me?!?! Astaghfirallah I quickly scolded, reminding myself of the Qadr of Allah (swt) being that sometimes we may not understand it but that's just because we are a limited creation. Trust Him Yusuf! It'll all work out okay inshallah.

I had to make a decision and make it fast. Thankfully though the invitations hadn't been sent so that might make things a little easier considering not many people knew.

I picked up my phone from the passenger seat, turned it on and proceeded to make one of the most difficult phone calls of my life.
"Salamualaykum Amo Abdullah"

Ihsans POV
Ilham's phone vibrated and I had to control myself not to jump at it. She picked it up and I watched in anxiety as her face changed expression and colour. I couldn't take the suspense, "What is it?" She didn't respond, "Ilham please, tell me, what's wrong? Is he ok?!" I almost screeched.
"Uh Ihsan, I don't know how to tell you this but Yusuf asked you to go back home and he'll explain later."
"What?" I spoke, shock rooting me to my very core.
"I really don't know Ihsan. But there has to be some sort of explanation." She said almost doubting herself.

My mind was spinning as I tried to make sense of the situation. Is he ok? Does he not want to see me? What's happening?! I packed my belongings, said Salams to Khalto Amatullah and Ilham and drove back home.

My vision became blurry as tears clouded my vision. I didn't know why I was crying but instinct told me something very bad had happened. I-I would die if anything happened to Yusuf. Suddenly a flash of lights appeared in front of my as I realised I had gone on the wrong side of the road. Quickly swerving I narrowly missed a severe accident Alhamdulilah and parked on the side of the road to try and regain my composure.

Yusuf's POV
My heart was broken into two. Scratch that, a billion little microscopic pieces. The world has lost its colour, the sun lost its shine, happiness stolen from the world and here I was, reduced to nothingness. I felt hollow and although I knew Allah (swt) had a plan for me, I didn't doubt that but that didn't mean I wasn't shattered at having to let go of something so precious and beautiful.

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