Chapter Thirty

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

To make up for my absence I've written two chapters Alhamdulilah. I apologise for the delay and for not replying to you comments, Subhanallah many things came up and I wasn't able to so please forgive me for my shortcomings.

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Yusuf's POV
I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans for the umpteenth put it lightly I was nervous. VERY nervous. I hadn't seen Ihsan in over a year minus that time at Asmaa and Zayn's nikkah. Actually 1 year, 2 months and 7 days to be exact. Not that I was counting or anything.

"Don't worry little bro. You'll be fine" Ilham whispered above a sleeping Yusuf. He was a little over a year old and had grown into a handsome little man if I do say so myself. Although he had my name, by character he was nothing like me. Growing up I had been shy and timid while baby Yusuf was loud and confident. To put it simply, he took after his mother. And that drove her crazy because like her, he was quite the handful.

Baby Yusuf aside we were on the way to Ihsan's house to ask for her hand the second time.

Ihsan's POV
Today was the day! Today was the day! Today was the day! After 19 years of waiting the day had finally come Alhamdulilah. I checked the dining table one last time to make sure the placemats were perfectly perpendicular to the table. I checked the living room to make sure the cushions were beautifully colour coordinated. I made sure the bathrooms had nice new towels. Then I finally made my way into the kitchen to make sure all the food was ready.

"Oh Ihsan! Your worse than your mother! Just calm down Habibti. You'll be fine" came my mothers voice from behind me. "Are you sure?" I asked, my voice laced with selfconciousness. Now my mother wasn't usually one for sweet talk and constant physical displays of affection so what she did next really surprised me. Her arms wrapped around my torso and for a second I didn't know what to do, "you're supposed to hug me back Ihsan" my mother teased and my arms obeyed. It felt so good to be in the arms of this amazing woman, this woman was the reason I had resilience in life and manners and an upbringing Alhamdulilah for her. I never told her this enough so I might as well take advantage of the situation, "I Love you mum" I whispered . "I-I l-love you t-too Habibti" she replied her voice shaking as I realised something. My mother was crying. My mother was crying! Which made me cry and soon it was just a cry fest.

"What's happening in here?!" My dad came in, worry etched on his face. We both turned to him and smiled. My mother patted my back and simply said, "Yallah go wash your face. They'll be here any minute" and I obliged.

Yusufs POV
As my father rang the bell an eerie sense of déjà vu fell over me. Inshallah the outcome wouldn't be the same as the last time though. The door opened and much to my dismay it was Amo Abdullah rather than a certain hijabi I was anxious to see.

"Asalamualaykum! Welcome, please come in" Amo Abdullah beamed with a smile on his face. I took that as a good sign and walked into their house, a beautiful smell wafting into my nose bringing with it nostalgic memories.

Considering it was Maghrib time (sunset prayer) we were led into the dining room where an aromatic array of food was laid out. Mashallah you'd think the Khaleel's were feeding a small army.

Then the person I was anxious to see for the past year finally came out. She had that all too familiar blush painted across her cheeks and her head was lowered. She simply took my breath away. Mashallah!

Ihsan's POV
After walking into the dining room everyone's eyes fell on me and contrary to my personality I didn't like the limelight when I wasn't comfortable. So I blushed, as usual, and lowered my head.

However, I could feel the gaze of someone still prickling through my hijab. And after looking up it turned out to be none other than the infamous Ilham. 'I'm going to kill you' she mouthed shooting mocking daggers at me. I gulped because I knew my extensive absence would now come into question. In the mean time I'm going to enjoy my food while I can.

Speaking of food, mama and I may have put a little surprise in Yusuf's food and I couldn't wait to see his reaction. Amo Amatullah and Amo Rashid were also in on it and I'm assuming they had told Tawfeeq and Ilham from the way she was grinning at Yusuf. I guess it was a little bit of fun and baba was interested to watch what he would do. Let the show begin...

Yusuf's POV
We all started with a light clear soup that was just divine. Creamed corn and chicken with Allah knows what seasoning but it was to die for Mashallah. Just don't tell mama I said that.

As we moved onto the main though things started to get a little interesting. I took the first bite and the standards hadn't faltered but there was a hint of chilli in the food that was really packed quite a punch. I dismissed it as this particular dish didn't usually have any chilli in it and I was famished so I continued to eat.

With every bite more and more chilli flooded my senses and I began to turn red. The food was so chilli!!! I reached forward to grab my glass of water only to drain it in three gulps as the Sunnah is. However there appeared to be no more water on the table.

"How's the food Yusuf? Ruqayah made it today" came the voice of Amo Abdullah from the head of the table. I was barely able to answer his from the fire burning in my mouth. "Oh j-just amazing Amo thanks." I squawked and the table erupted into laughter. "You d-don't n-need any water d-dear?" Ilham asked between laughs.

"You've just been pranked my son and passed the test of manners as well" baba explained and I blushed bright red which only made everyone laugh even more. But I couldn't help but join in the fun. Alhamdulilah Ihsan came with some milk which was soothing for chilli and I was able to contain the taste within my mouth but Ihsan had started a war. Let the prank war begin...

Ihsan's POV
"You do know he won't let that go. You've just started a prank war" Ilham stated as we lay sprawled across my carpet. "Don't worry. I think I can handle him" I replied smugly. "What you can't handle though is the wrath of Ilham." She joked but as she turned to face me I could see pain in her eyes. I had to try and explain this to her, "Ilham I'm so sorry! But I couldn't do it. Seeing you would have been a constant reminder of Yusuf. I mean you guys are twins after all. I didn't wanted to be tempted and to be honest I just needed time to think it all over. But I'm so sorry..." I trailed my eyes beginning to water. "I would have understood that if you had just told me. The last of you I saw was in a hospital Ihsan. I wanted you to be a part of baby Yusuf's upbringing. The least you could have done was tell me"
"What are you talking about?! I sent you a message, not even, an essay!"
"What message? I didn't get any message. long ago was this? "About a year ago, I think"
"Oh that explains it..."
"What? What is it?"
"A month after baby Yusuf, yeah by the way we call him baby Yusuf so it's not confusing, so after he was born I was was so tired one day that I put my phone in the freezer instead of Yusuf's ice pack and it stayed there for almost a week. You can put two and two together so after finally Tawfeeq stopped laughing at me he bought me a new phone and number. So you probably sent it to my old number. Now I'm sorry Habibti"
"No no that's fine. It was my fault anyway"
"Future sister in laws?" She asked with tears in her eyes.
"Future sister in laws" I agreed and our arms found each other in a warm embrace.

"Okay no seriously though. Yusuf is going to get you back real good. Growing up you wouldn't think it but he was the king of pranks." She whispered and I laughed that that was over and we could continue were we left off. "But don't worry. You've got an insider so it's all good" she continued and we winked at each other before falling in a fit of giggles.

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