Chapter Thirteen

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

As compensation for your loving comments and support its a double update today. Surprise!

Also, this chapter is dedicated to ClicheMuslimah for her amazingly sweet comments and voting. Jazakallahukheiran!

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Yusufs POV
Ya Allah! Help me!
"Maybe?" I questioned and she just laughed at me wholeheartedly.
"Oh Yusuf!" She said and my heart fluttered again at the mention of my name.
"Well you never know. You could have a criminal record. I had to do a background check" I protested
"From Ilham?" She questioned, one eyebrow raised
"Okay okay. Next question yallah"
"What do you think of my dress sense? Like is it fine how it is? Or would you like for it to change?" She asked, her voice shaking
"Do you give me permission to look at you first?"
"Islamically you are allowed to look at me within limits during the getting to know each other period so yes. And Jazakallahukheiran for asking, that's very gentlemanly"
"Waiyakkum my lady" with that, my eyes skimmed quickly over her dress sense. She was wearing a dusty pink scarf that trailed almost to her waist. Over that she wore a crochet woollen white cardigan with a black A line skirt with black socks and flats. She wore no make up which I really liked because I don't agree with the fact that women think they need to change themselves in order to be deemed "beautiful." All of the creation of Allah (swt) are beautiful. She wore no jewellery either expect for a little infinity ring on her index finger. I wondered who ha given that to her and for a moment jealousy settled in the pit of my stomach before shaking the feeling. She was beautiful Mashallah. And it wasn't in the physical sense alone. It was her Noor of character which truly made her beautiful Mashallah and I prayed that inshallah I could call her mine soon.

"Mashallah your dress sense seems to be pretty modest which I admire. I can't make a judgement based on one outfit but as long as it's nothing tight, too attractive like Fluorescent colours or extravagant patterns and covers your awra (required body parts to e covered Islamically) then it's all fine. But I warn you from now, I get jealous over what's mine."
"Hmm... I like jealous. That's good and just in case you were wondering you have my tick of approval"
I looked down at what I was wearing, camel chinos, a white shirt with a black varsity jacket, white converse and a white sunnah cap. I usually didn't take an exorbitant amount of care in my dress code but for some reason her approval mattered to me. Oh Ihsan! What are you doing to me...

Ihsan's POV
So far he seemed to be ticking all the right boxes Hamdilah. There was only a few questions to go for today and although I was shaking, it was going overall well Hamdilah.

"What are your opinions on my family? And what would you do if they didn't approve of you?" I asked. This was a really important one to me as my family's opinion mattered a lot to me. Especially my baba, and yes, I was a daddy's girl.
"Let's see. That's a heavy question. Okay I'm going to go by each family member. Your baba, I have a lot of respect for. His reputation and manners Mashallah are just inspiring. As for your mother, I don't really know much about her. But from what mama has said and the daughter that she has raised Mashallah I'm sure she's a loving and pious woman. Your brother Muhammad is absolutely adorable and I really admire his protection of you Mashallah. And as for you...Mashallah it's almost as though Noor is radiating from you. Your beautiful Mashallah but not because your physical beauty but it's your character. Your kind and loving heart. Your OCD, dare I say it. Your grace and elegance yet still approachable and real personality. Mashallah I really commend your parents on raising such a God fearing and beautiful woman. If your parents or family didn't approve of me then I would fight for you to start with but if I can see that it's not going to work out then I would leave, respecting your families wishes. I'm not a home wrecker. Um, care to answer the same question?"
"Yeah wow. Just like wow. Mashallah your very eloquent with your speech."
"Jazakallahukheiran but please, no compliments" he said an I could see his humble personality shine through. Mashallah he was just...not perfect cause no one is but amazing. Now to answer my own question, ya Allah!

"Let's see. I'll do the same and go one by one. From what baba has told me about Amo Rashid he seems like a humble and gentle man Mashallah, which seems to be where you get it from. Your mum is hilarious Mashallah and I definitely see Ihsan in her but she has such wisdom Mashallah which is also you. Zaynul Abedeen is the most adorable little monkey I've-"
"Monkey?" He questioned
"Yes monkey. Got a problem with that buddy?"
He chuckled and said, "Not at all" he winked adding "buddy!"
"Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted-"
"Oh I beg of your forgiveness my lady"
"Hmm, I grant it my kind sir"
We fell into a fit of laughter which earned me a cheeky wink from Ihsan. That girl!

"As for you. Well I admire your humble attitude. What you're doing for the community and your Sheikh studies are inspirational while juggling a teaching degree Mashallah. Your kindness and way with children just melts my heart and don't ask me how I know that. And your Iman Mashallah just makes you seem to have the beauty of Prophet Yusuf (as) (prophet of Islam who possessed half of the worlds beauty Mashallah). And I'm not complimenting you, I'm merely stating facts." I looked up at him through my nonexistent eyelashes as I blushed, something I seemed to be doing a lot of lately.
"I'm left speechless. And you think I'm good with words? Listen to yourself Mashallah. Jazakallahukheiran"
"Waiyakkum. Do you have time for one more question or do you have to go?" I asked seeing as there was only half an hour till we had to leave to the masjid.
"Of course you can ask. You can ask me anything" he replied cheesily. I have to admit sweet words were simply my undoing and I was a hopeless romantic at heart. Something he seemed to have picked up on.

"So what are your goals in life?"
"I was waiting for that one. First and foremost, the pleasure of Allah (swt) and to attain jannah with my family and beautiful wife inshallah. To try and be the best Muslim I can be. Materialistically, I want to finish Sheikh School, my degree, have lots of children and live a simple yet righteous life inshallah. I know this may sound a little weird but fame, fortune and status doesn't really appeal to me. I can't stand extravagance and I enjoy simplicity. I find there's more happiness in that."
"Yeah I agree completely and I'm with you all the way. Simplicity is key."
"Do you mind if I ask you a question?"
"Uh, yeah sure."
"If we had an argument and couldn't agree, how would you try to solve it? And would you expect me to make the final decision?"
"Woaw, that's loaded. Okay first I'd try to convince you, well that would take some time because the more I learn about you the better I'll be able to convince you. But at this point in time I would firstly try to reason rationally using evidence and a calm tone. Then I'd probably try again on a different occasion when you're in a different mood. If that doesn't work, I would try blackmailing you by being extra nice. If that all doesn't work then I would just sulk to be honest. It's not that I would expect you to make the final decisions but I do realise that you are the man of the house and I respect that so I wouldn't be surprisised if you made a decision that you felt necessary without my consent. But I would be hurt."
"Interesting Miss.Khaleel. Soon to be Mrs.Khaleel inshallah"
"We'll see about that Mr.Hakeem" I replied cheekily.

Just then the athan for isha began, signalling the time for us to go to the masjid. I grabbed a coat, some gum and my bag as we made our way out the door. We were going in two cars, one for the woman and one for the men, much to the protest of Muhammad. Someday I might just eat that kid Mashallah. But for some reason baba had taken his own car. Odd.

Yusuf's POV
After giving a little lesson on patience and finishing taraweeh prayer I was about to climb back in the car when Amo Abdullah called me over. "Yes Amo?" I questioned.
"I'd like to have a little talk with you if you don't mind."
"Uh yeah sure Amo"
"Let's take a ride Habibi"
And with that I rode in his car to only Allah (swt) knows where. Ya Allah help me!

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