Chapter Ten

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

I am soooooooo sorry for the lack of updates. I have had so much work to do, it's not even funny. But Hamdilah, it's still no excuse and so I ask for your forgiveness. This update is overdue but Subhanallah I was writing it and in bed and fell asleep while writing. The next day I awoke to find almost 2000 words of my work gone, so now I'm rewriting. Hamdilah, it's Allah (swt) testing my patience.

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Ihsans POV
I didn't know if I had the guts to do it. I mean although it was always a goal of mine, now that it came down to it, I was unsure. Would that scare him away? I don't want to scare him away. But then again I guess it's really the ultimate test. I'm not going to sugar coat this, it needs to be real. But Ya Allah! I was so nervous. I had already spoken to mama and baba about and they said 'it was up to me' but I didn't know if I could go on with it. Ya Allah! Give me strength. Truly all goodness and strength comes from you.

Today was the day. The last 24 hours had been absolute chaos. After actually digesting the fact that Yusuf Hakeem had asked for my hand mama told baba off for not giving her enough to prepare. Then came the cleaning and oh Allah did we clean. The China has to be repolished, the windows shined, the tablecloths washed, dusting, vacuuming, mopping and let's not forget rearranging the book cabinet. Because of course how could he accept someone who's book weren't organised according to size. But to be truly honest, it was all my OCD. Once that kicks in, don't mess with me. God help my husband. Then came the cooking. I think mum thought Yusuf's family were wolves because she was cooking enough food to feed half of Africa. An finally came the dreaded...what to wear? After emptying half my closet I had finally decided alhamdulilah. And if that wasn't bad enough my thoughts kept me up to the wee hours of the morning.

It was currently 6:30pm and they was 30 minutes till Yusuf was set to come. Half an hour to kill and I was sitting in the dining room about to listen to a lecture when Muhammad trailed in with his trucks in hand. "Salamualaykum Habibi. What's happening?" I asked
"Walaykum salam Iyaan. Can I ask you somsing?" He replied. Yes I am known to him as 'Iyaan.'
"Sure Habibi. What's up?"
"Why are you dressed?"
"Because Habibi someone is coming over"
"Khalto Ilham and her brother."
"Because I might be getting married"
"What barreeeyydd?"
"It's when you live with a boy. Like how baba lives with mama."
"Does that mean you going away?"
"Noooo! I want to see you!"
"Habibi you will still see me. You can come over and we will play trucks, painting, cooking and you can sleep over."
"We can play bucks?"
I laughed at his cuteness and couldn't help but squeeze his little torse,
"Yes we can play trucks"
"Okay. Okay. Can we play bucks now?"
And with that we spend the remaining time playing 'bucks.'

Yusuf's POV
To say I was nervous was a complete understatement. I mean, I had never done this before, I didn't know what to except?! In order to ease my neves I decided to go to Ilham's house for some pre-marriage advice which ended up in a flour fight. Don't even ask me how. Actually, there is an explanation...Ilham. But I love her.

Time was passing extremely slow and I knew that if I kept watching the clock I might lose my sanity. Luckily mama came in and gave me proper pre-marriage advice.

After another ordeal trying to decide what type of sweets to buy we finally made it to Ihsan's house 3 minutes early Hamdilah. After knocking on the door, exchanging of Salams, hugs and kisses we made our way to the living room, men and women on either side. Small talk was exchanged, dinner served and the sweets presented. But Mashallah! Whoever's cooking that words, just Mashallah!

We were seated in the living room again when baba cleared his throat and said, "Abdullah I have know you for a long time and during that time I have seen nothing from you but piety, honesty and integrity Mashallah. And I would be honoured if we are able to unite our families together as my son, Yusuf asks for the hand of your daughter, Ihsan under the shariah (islamic law) of Allah (swt) and the practise of his Prophet (saw)." With that speech we were allocated a corner of the room where we could have some privacy but still remain under the watchful gaze of our respective parents.

But before that could happen I was hit square in the nose!

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