Chapter Four

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

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Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Ihsan's POV
It was the second night of Ramadan and Fatima was doing my head in all day about Yusuf. She was practically planning our grandchildren's names! Ya Allah (swt) give me patience. Subhanallah the day past in a blur and we were getting dressed to go to the masjid inshallah.

"Red or beige?" Fatima asked holding up two scarves.
"Red definitely. It matches your tan beautifully Mashallah Habibti. But don't take too long, you know I hate being late" I replied. "Yes Ms.OCD" she said with an eye roll. She was right though, medicinally I haven't been diagnosed with OCD but that is almost unnecessary. Everything on my desk needs to be at a right angle with the table and everything needs to be clean ALL THE TIME! I can't sleep if my closet door is slightly open or if there is anything on the floor. I can't leave my room if it's untidy and once someone (not mentioning names) got so angry at me that they messed up my room to get back at me. And let me tell you what an effective form of revenge that was. I guess my husband inshallah is just good to have to deal with it. Fatima was quite the opposite. Literally! She called her room "an organised mess of art." But as long as we didn't get in each other's way we were good Hamdilah.

"I'm ready!" Called Fatima. Wow! That was literally a miracle! Fatima never finished at the same time as me. Something was up. I picked up my bag and we made our way together to the front door where Muhammad was trying to tie his shoe laces. "Do you need help Habibi?" I ask him. "Cath you please Ihsan?" He replied with his toothy grin. "Of course Habibi" and I began to tie his little work boots. "Jazakallahukheiran Ihsan!" He said as he wrapped his little arms around me in a hug. He was the love of my life! I absolutely loved children and he had a special spot in my heart. May Allah (swt) grant him piety and health. "Wa iyakum Habibi. Let's go to baba" I said as he began to squeal upon seeing my baba. "Come on kids, let's go" my mother said and we all got into a car.

We arrived at the mosque and dispersed to our separate sections. Scanning around the room my eyes set on my new friend, Ihsan. "Salamualaykum" Fatima said smiling. "Walaykumasalamwarahmatallahuwabarakatuhu" she replied and we hugged each other. Hiding behind her black abaya was the second most adorable little boy Mashallah (sorry but Muhammad has my heart). "Salamualaykum. What's your name?" I asked him.
"Walaylumasalam. Zaynul Abedeen" he replied shyly.
"He's my brother" explained Ilham.
"He's gorgeous Mashallah!" I replied. Then turning to Zaynul Abedeen I said,
"That's a very beautiful name Mashallah! Zaynul Abedeen I think you're a pretty strong boy. Do you want to give me a high five?" I stretched out my hand
"Yes" he said and he smacked my hand.
"That wasn't a very big. Can you give me a big one? I want to see how strong you are." I said
"Okay" he said with a harder slap.
"Wow Mashallah that was a big one. You're very strong Mashallah! You hurt my hand"
"Okay" he said and he kissed my hand to get rid of my 'pain.' My heart melted even more. This little boy was adorable, I could just eat him! Okay Ihsan let's not to all cannibal on him. He's still young.

That was all it took and soon little Zaynul Abedeen was babbling away while I listened to all the cuteness that came out of his little mouth. "Yup. Let's just leave Ihsan she'll be with him all night. Completely disregarding us. Don't worry Ilham I've got you as my new best friend. Who needs Ihsan anyway" Fatima said. Ilham laughed as she replied "Don't be so slack! I've never seen him warm up to anyone so quickly Mashallah! You're good with kids Mashallah Ihsan." I blushed as I thanked her then stuck my tongue out at Fatima to which she reciprocated.

As we stood up to pray, Zaynul Abedeen wouldn't accept to pray next to anyone but me. This kid was so adorable Mashallah! After finishing the prayers, I sat with my back against the wall, Zaynul Abedeen on my lap and eyes closed waiting for Yusuf's voice, yes secretly I was anticipating his talk but I wouldn't admit that to anyone.

"Salamualaykum brothers and sisters in Islam. I start first with praising Allah (swt) and sending praise and salutations upon his blessed prophet, Muhammad (saw). Tonight we are talking about one of the most profound love stories, and no it's not Romeo and Juliet whereby the two kill each themselves for a mere infatuation of five days. We're talking about Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Khadija (ra), one of the greatest love stories lasting decades..." After hearing that I turned Crimson red (I blush very easily) at those words. Subhanallah was this fate? Ilham and Fatima both looked at me with knowing smiles which only made me blush more. Ya Allah (swt) help me!

After that embarrassing incident, Fatima, Ilham and I were waiting in the car park for our respected mahrams (male guardians). With Zaynul Abedeen on my hip, I was busy listening to him tell me about 'his big truck,' and yes I was avoiding talking to the girls. Call me a wimp but they knew something and I don't think I'm ready to face that yet. "Come on Zaynul Abedeen lets go Habibi" Ilham said calling him over.
"No! I wanna stay with Ihsan!"
"Habibi. You can't stay with Ihsan. She has to go home"
"Nooooo. I want to gooooo home with Ihsan!!!"
Oh my God! I half wanted him to stay cause he was edible and half wanted him to go before he got into trouble. This kid only just met me and he's already disregarding his sister for me? Nnaaww.

"Come on Zaynul Abedeen. We have to go"
"No!!! Yucky Ilham!"
"Oh my God! I'm telling Yusuf. YUSUF!"
And before I could comprehend what was happening a confused Yusuf was making his way towards us. "ILHAM!" I whisper screamed. "What are you doing?!" She didn't reply but had a mischievous grin on. The next few minutes were blur.
"Yes Habibi. What's wrong with?" Yusuf asked Ilham.
"It's Zaynul Abedeen. He's fallen in love with Ihsan and won't come to me and I need to take him home. Can you see if he'll come to you please?" Ilham relied to Yusuf.
Yusuf turned to Zaynul Abedeen/Me and called for Zaynul Abedeen to come to which he stubbornly replied "No! I want to stay with Ihsan." After trying a few more times Yusuf said, "Of course he won't come to me. He's been hypnotised. Maybe if I wore a jacket like that he would come to me" signalling to my jacket "But right now there's no way he'll come to me. He's been hypnotised." I could do nothing but look down and blush. O to the M to the G. And with that Yusuf was gone. I quickly returned Zaynul Abedeen to a smiling Ilham, said my Salams and practically dragged Fatima to the car. Thank God she hadn't said anything yet. But that was probably due to the fact that she was nursing her red hand. I refused to accept what just happened. Did that just happen?

After a thankfully silent car ride home, Hamdilah Fatima knew when I needed my space and now was it, quick Salams to everyone, brushed my teeth, wore my pyjamas and a quick salat I climbed into bed. Ya Alalh! What on earth just happened...

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