Chapter Twenty One

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

This chapter is dedicated to the lovely _lifeisamazayn_ for her comments, username and love. Jazakallahukheiran Hun!

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Ihsans POV
Perfect! "Okay everyone in place!" I announced and we all hid in our designated places. It took some time, but we had managed to get all Ilham's close friends here. Neha (misticreader ), Nadia (nads123 ), and Aimen (WiseLemon) were all so helpful and had helped make this day possible, adding their own little touch to the baby shower. May Allah (swt) reward them and their families.

15 minutes later the sound of Ilham's car could be heard, pulling up in the driveway and a buzz of electricity shot through the air. A knock on the door was later heard and I called out, "It's open Ilham. Just come in! I'm in the living room."

The sound of the door knob twisting echoed through the deathly quiet house and every foot step had our hearts beating faster. Just as she was walked into the living room, we all jumped up and screamed, "SURPRISE!!!!"

To say she was shocked, was a complete understatement. Tears started streaming down her face as she tried to speak, "Oh my Allah! Ihsan! Fatima! Nadia! Neha! Aimen! You guys shouldn't have!! Oh my-my! Ya Allah! Ukh just... Oh!"
"Uh are you serious Ilham? You would have killed us if we didn't!" Aimen exclaimed and laughter erupted around the room. "That's true!" Ilham replied between giggles.

The rest of the day was spent eating, laughing so hard, swapping stories and just having an awesome time Hamdilah. Nadias story of how the first time she met her husband she slapped him left us in tears of laughter. Aimens first birth story was just a nail bitter. Fatima recount of the time we decided to play hair dressers was an embarrassing walk down memory lane. Nehas tales of her pranks on her husband were a killer. And Ilham's story of her husbands reaction when she told him they were having a baby was priceless.

Presents were swapped, hugs given and promises to catch up exchanged but the day had come to an end. All the guests had left, minus Fatima who was helping me clean and Ilham who was watching us clean, typical.

The last streamer had been binned when Ilham suddenly shot up and asked, "The baby bag was from Neha, the nappy cake from Fatima, the daddy nappy toolbox from Aimen, the baby clothes from Nadia, the crib from Ihsan. But whose the pram from? And how did they know that's the exact one I wanted?"
"I was waiting for that question, the cot is from Yusuf. He wanted to be a part of this day and so that's his gift to you" I replied.
"Oh my-" Ihsan gushed.
"I know right! That things costs a fortune Ilham! You couldn't have picked a cheaper one?" Fatima exclaimed.
"I know it costed a fortune. That's why we weren't getting it, because we couldn't afford it. I just mentioned to Yusuf that that's the pram I would like to have. Didn't mean I wanted it. Oh Yusuf! What am I going to do with you?!" Ilham sighed.
"Well for one, I suggest thanking him Sherlock" Fatima retorted amusingly.
"Wow Fatima! Einstein today!" Ilham shot back, throwing a pillow at her. Fatima proceeded to do the same when Ilham started ranting about pregnancy privileges and what not. Ya Allah give me patience!

Yusufs POV
I heard the sound of the front door opening and asked, "So how was it? Surprised? I told you Ihsan wouldn't-" but I never finished my sentence as I was tackled into a bone breaking hug. For a pregnant lady, she was very strong! "Uh Ilham. Can't! B-breath!" I muttered and she finally released her hold.

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