Chapter Thirty Two

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

I'm so sorry to say but I will no longer be replying to all the comments you guys write. I may reply to some of them but honestly Alhamdulilah I've been getting 1000s of comments and it's just too hard to read and reply to all of them. Please forgive me for my shortcomings and instead I pray that Allah (swt) rewards those abundantly for every single letter. Jazakallahukheiran for your support my brothers and sisters in Islam.

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam
Ihsan's POV
Organising the nikkah was pretty easy, I mean we had already booked the masjid and put together a little gift box. It contained 7 little dates alongside a little masbaha (praying beads) on a bed of gold tissue paper in a gold little box tied with a ribbon of lace. Alhamdulilah we had gotten them extremely cheap which was probably the reason Yusuf accepted to have something so "girly" at his nikkah. Elegant would be a much better suited word but would he know about the meticulous art of design.

There was just a nagging thought that wouldn't exit my mind all day. To put it plainly...physical interaction. Over the years I have been to my fair share of nikkah's and for some reason, actually scratch that it's pretty obvious, but as soon as the couple are officially and Islamically wed they are all over each other. To many this may be fine but personally I shied away from such public displays of affection, particularly at such an early stage of the marriage. So I didn't want him to kiss me in public nor hug me on the day. Holding hands was fine but beyond that I wouldn't be comfortable with. Not that I wasn't comfortable with him, it's just that for 19 years it's a constant that I don't touch or look at any guy only to have a man have quite literally unlimited access in a span of a few minutes. Scary to say the least...

Yusuf's POV
I couldn't wait to be able to hold her! Hug her! Show the world that she was mine! All mine! With 10 days to go the women had organised the nikkah but the walimah was a completely crazy other story. I guess getting a cake, catering, chairs, decorations, invitations and a dress was no easy accomplishment. Well thank Allah I had no input into such decisions, not only was I horrible at design but I didn't have the patience for these sort of things. That little box for the nikkah and that was already a headache. White lace or creme lace. Gold matte or metallic gold. I wasn't made for that kind of stuff, besides, it all looked the same to me. But if it made Ihsan, her family and my family happy then that was all that mattered.

Ihsan's POV
Alhamdulilah everything was ready. The catering had been ordered, chairs were being provided by a friend of Yusuf for next to nothing so Alhamdulilah that was good, I still had the invitations from last time so after a little tweaking they were ready and I had bought simple decorations as it was going to be a garden wedding. Subhanallah Yusuf's grandfather owned a piece of land that was a flower garden. Gardening was obviously his thing because when we visited it it was beautiful. Walls and walls of perfectly trimmed flower bushes, metres high. The fragrant was to die for and Alhamdulilah it turned out that one large garden that was split into two with a high impermeable peony wall. Not to mention that peonies were my favourite flower but this would mean that segregation would work out. The only thing left was...the cake and the dress. I had a dress for my nikkah, it was actually the one that Khalto Amatullah wore on her nikkah so that was pretty special. But I couldn't for the life of my find a wedding dress! With only 7 days to go this was weighing heavily upon me and I could only pray that I found one in time. As for the cake, well it my dream to bake my own wedding cake and it looked like this dream would become a reality inshallah.

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