Chapter Five

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

I'm interested to you guys prefer Ihsan or Yusuf's POV's?

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Yusuf's POV
If I spoke to her now would I seem too desperate? Should I wait till tomorrow to ask her? Or is that too uninterested? Maybe tonight? No, she'll be too tired. Oh My God! This is your sister Yusuf, get a grip!!

"Get a grip on what?" Asked Ilham walking into my room. Sugar. "'s good to see you Habibti. How's the baby?" I replied praying she wouldn't pry. "Hamdilah he's good. Pretty quiet though. He's a good boy Mashallah. Like he's uncle"
"It's a boy?!"
"We don't know yet. I want it to be a surprise but Tawfeeq thinks it's a girl so naturally I said that I think it's a boy"
I laughed lightly. Women.
"So what was it you need to get a grip on?" She asked quoting the air.
"Ilham you're my best friend and I know I can trust you. What happened yesterday?"
"Well, let's see. I made sahlab (Middle Eastern desert) for suhoor, which Tawfeeq loved. Prayed fajr then went back to sleep. Woke up and vacuumed, dusted, mopped, while listening to Bilal Assad, cooked Rosemary chicken for iftaar. Decided to wear my black abaya and my new niqab. Met up with you guys and then went to the mosque with Zaynul Abedeen. Came back. Went home. The baby started kicking and Tawfeeq felt it for the first time. Oh my Allah! He's face! Priceless. He's gonna make an awesome baba inshallah. Then we went to sleep."
"I meant at the mosque Ilham"
"Oh at the mosque? Well why didn't you say so Habibi? Let's see... I prayed. Listened to your lecture. Beautiful lecture Mashallah"
"Yes yes. I know, I know. No compliments. Your too humble hayati (my life). Then I took Zaynul Abedeen from Ihsan and went with you guys"
"He seemed to really like her Mashallah"
"That's what you got from that whole conversation? I just told you my life story and you picked up on Ihsan? Oh Yusuf, you're adorable"
"Jazakallahukheiran. So did anything else happen...?"
"Waiyakkum. You're going to have to be a little bit more specific. With who?" She was definitely enjoying this.
"Oh my God! You had to see her face. Well not literally cause you should be lowering your gaze. But when you started speaking about Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Khadija's (ra) love story she turned red as a fire truck. It was adorable. Ukh Ya Allah! And with Zaynul Abedeen! He loved her. You know how he is around new people but not with her. Subhanallah she just has a noor around her Yusuf. And I know you love kids so she'll be perfect for you."
I felt a blush dance on my face. "She blushed?" The phrase was on replay in my mind. She blushed? She blushed?! She blushed!
"Yeah. I know it's only been three days but I think you should talk to baba. When Allah (swt) puts love between your hearts you shouldn't waste time. It'll just give way for shaytaan."
I mentally thanked Allah (swt) for blessing me with my beautiful sister. "You're right. I'll speak to him tomorrow inshallah."
"Inshallah. By the way Mr.Romantic, what was with the 'of course he won't come. He's hypnotised?' I think Zaynul Abedeen wasn't the only one who was 'hypnotised."
"The ayah in Surat Al Baqarah says 'there is no sin on you if you make a hint of betrothal...' [2:235] so..."
"Hmm, true. Let's hope she got the hint"
"Can you do me a favour though Habibti?"
"Can you just check if she's the right one for me inshallah. You know me the most and you know who would be right for me. Just for tonight inshallah."
"Of course Habibi"
"Anyway I came here to show you something before we started talking about my sister in law inshallah"
"What is it?"
She didn't reply but rather, pulled out a little card from her bag and handed it to me. I opened it and inside was written 'You're first nephew inshallah. May Allah (swt) grant you both firdous (the highest level of paradise) xx' and right there was a sonogram of my little nephew. I couldn't believe it. My eyes teared up and I had an overwhelming urge to experience that feeling but with my own child inshallah. Words weren't adequate to describe how I was feeling so instead I hugged my sister and spun her around the room. "Mabrouk Habibti! And Jazakallahukheiran for sharing this with me. Have you shown Tawfeeq?" I asked through tears. "Not yet. I wanted you to be the first one. But don't tell him that. 3a'balak (may it be blessed upon you) inshallah Habibi. It's truly a miracle from Allah (swt)." I felt honoured, ecstatic and over the moon. "When are you gonna show the rest?" I pondered. "Tomorrow night inshallah. That way we'll both have good news inshallah" she replied. "Sounds good inshallah" I said. "Inshallah. I'm gonna go show Tawfeeq and I'll let you know how it goes with Ihsan inshallah. " And with that she walked out of my room to find Tawfeeq.

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