Chapter Seventeen

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

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Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Yusuf's POV
She was now official half mine. I guess promised would probably be a better term, but regardless of the technicalities I was elated at the thought that she was one step closer to being Mrs.Yusuf.

The rest of eid has passed in a blur and already a week has passed, signalling the annual post-Eid camping trip. It was basically the weekend after Eid, and we would camp at a designated location for the night, filled with remembrance of Allah (swt), activities and just time to relax. This year we were going to a waterfall inshallah and I was definitely excited. The beauty of waterfalls had always fascinated me as a child and the 3km walk to reach the destination was cherry on the cake.

After packing my duffel bag, tidying up and saying my prayers I was ready to go. Baba and mama had gone down the night before to "check the place out" but I knew they wanted some alone time, which was completely fine. Which left Ilham, Tawfeeq, Zaynul Abedeen and I amongst two cars. A 2 hour car ride with Zaynul Abedeen should be interesting...

Ihsans POV
Of course we were late! We're always late! Because how could we leave without checking the locks six times or forgetting something?! To say I was annoyed was an understatement, and infuriated was more like it. I hate being late!! And currently we were 3 hours behind. All the other families had already arrived to the waterfall and here we were biding idle time. I tried to regain my self-control by sitting down, as the Hadith advises, and although it helped, I was still contemplating just staying at home. But let's just say a certain sheikh-in-training would make that impossible. Astaghfirallah Ihsan! You're angry! You shouldn't be thinking about him! This boy I tell you!!

Yusuf's POV
After arriving and setting up the tent, I took a walk around the campsite, admiring the beauty of the creation of Allah (swt). Subhanallah it was truly an amazing! Looking at the array of colours brought tears to my eyes at appreciation of such beauty. And yes, real men do cry. But for the right reasons.

Ihsan's POV
After calming down from my raging tirade, we had finalised everything and finally arrived, Hamdilah. We had just finished putting the final touches on our tent setup, as Fatima and I were sharing a tent. Just as I packed the last bottle of water a shadow fell over me. I looked up, wondering why the lights had gone out, into the face of my betrothed. "Uh sorry. Um, Salamualaykum" I muttered incoherently. "Walaykumasalamwarahmatallahuqabarakatuhu. Do you mind if I request something from you?" He replied.
"Yeah sure. Go for it."
"Can I take a walk with Muhammad?"
"Muhammad? As in my brother?" I asked, my mouth agape.
"The one and only!"
"Okay? Should I be worried?"
"Hmm..." He pretended to be in thought, "I guess that's a matter of perception" he smiled mischievously.
"Boys!" I huffed jokingly, "Take him. But take care of him please!"
"You'll make a good mother Mashallah" he said almost to himself but it shocked me to my core. I instantly became immersed in red, I couldn't believe he was thinking about something I had dreamed about for so long. After all, that's one of the major reasons for studying speech pathology, I love kids! I turned to reply but to my surprise, he was gone. Okay then...?

Yusuf's POV
I wanted her to understand my feelings I had for her but hadn't planned on it coming out in that way. Well then, that's just Qadr (predisposed affairs ordained by Allah (swt)).

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