Chapter Nineteen

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

This chapter is dedicated to the lovely minahil514for her humbling comments and constant support. Jazakallahukheiran Hun!

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.


Your Sister In Islam


Ihsans POV
Gravity had lost its power against me and I was free floating in my pool of darkness. At the back of my mind I knew there was something I should be doing. But currently, I was happy in my bliss. So happy.

Yusufs POV
I was currently seated in the corner of her hospital room, surrounded by her family and friends. It had been three days and still no signs of her waking up any time soon. But I would not lose hope. I couldn't lose hope. She would come back to us inshallah.

Sheikh Umar was going to kill me for missing out on 'sheikh school.' Taking two days off for the trip was pushing boundaries, but five days and I knew I would be in for it. He's very strict about attendance, which was understandable. But let's just say I have a lot of homework to do.

The wait was nerve racking, I hadn't slept in three days, I hadn't eaten, I hadn't even moved from this chair other to go shower and answer the call of nature. But she was worth it. Worth that and so much more. I was proving to her and her father that inshallah I would be able to care for her and protect her. Maybe not from everything, because Qadr plays a role in it, but I will try my best inshallah.

Just wake up Ihsan! Please!

Ihsan's POV
I could hear a voice, it was soothing almost. I think someone was calling my name. The voice sounded so sad, so so sad. I strained to try and make out the words. My head was spinning at how hard I was concentrating but I finally made out a few words, "Baba Habibti. Please come back to us. You have to open you beautiful eyes and give your baba a hug. Be strong hayati (my life) and have faith in Allah (swt). I know you can do it. Wake up, Ihsan, wake up and come back to you baba. I l-love yo-" the sound of my Babas voice was muffled as I realised he was crying. Why was he crying? Who made my baba cry? I would send them to their grave!

Suddenly, it hit me like a tonne of bricks. All the memories came rushing back like a flood, Muhammad's death, the funeral, running away, ya Allah, what have I done? Where was I? I need to get out!! Ya Allah help me! Somebody help me! Get me out of here.

Yusufs POV
I had gone out to get Amo Abdullah a coffee and rushed back upon finding out that there had been an increase in her brain activity. I was flying down the hallways, not caring what I looked like, till I reached her room.

My eyes landed on a doctor as well as Amo Abdullah, who looked like he may have been crying. My heart warmed at their love and emotion. "What's happening doc?" I asked worriedly. "Well son, it seems to be that she has regained a conscious state of mind, it's just that she needs to be able to regain control of her body at this stage. Other than that, she's doing pretty well. All we can do now is wait because this is something she has to do on her own, unfortunately no amount of medication will help. Try talking to her, singing, just have conversations with her. She can hear you so try encouraging her to wake up." He concluded. "Will do. Thank you doctor" Amo Abdullah replied and the doctor left.

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