Chapter Nine

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

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Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Yusuf's POV
My heart was beating faster than the speed at which Ilham could talk, and let me tell you that's very fast. He continued to bore into my eyes, piercing my soul to the point where I was feeling very uncomfortable.

After what felt like a millennium he simply said one word, "Why?" Ya Allah! This was so embarrassing. How do I answer this question without letting on the fact that I may have stalking her through Ilham yet not sound uninterested? Ya Allah help me! Yusuf you can talk everyday in front of hundreds of people about the most intricate subjects yet you can't answer this simple question? Pull it together! Just say the truth. Okay, here goes "Amo with all due respect I have heard many amazing things about your daughter and if I'm truly honest with you it's her Iman that captivates me. Our ultimate goal in life is to seek the pleasure of Allah (swt) and his paradise. Marriage is half of our deen and through marriage you basically try to achieve this ultimate goal with your spouse. And I'd like that person to be Ihsan, with your permission inshallah." I exhaled after this momentous speech and looked into the face of my inshallah future father in law.

The next words that he said had me on a halal high, "I'll see you Friday at Maghrib son. Salamualaykum" I didn't know what to say and to say I was elated was an understatement. "Jazakallahukheiran and walaykumasalamwarahmatallahuqabarakatuhu " I replied.

I then rushed like a madman towards my father. I just hugged him and laughing he said, "I'm guessing that's a no?" I replied, "Friday at Maghrib." To which he just said, "Well then looks like the countdown begins."

Ya Allah! Two days to go!

Ihsan's POV
How we made it to the masjid that night was a miracle from Allah (swt). Although we had missed half the prayers we still managed to reap rewards Hamdilah.

But all too soon the night was over and we were driving back home. But the fun wasn't over just yet because tonight we had organised a sleep over. Fatima and Ilham were chatting away in the back as Fatima was revealing the news of her soon to be husband inshallah.

As for me, driving gave me time to think and reflect on what was happening in my life. And right now my thoughts were turning to a certain someone in particular. I decided that it was time to stop denying it and face the facts. I wasn't in love with Yusuf because personally I believe that you can't truly love someone romantically without knowing about them. And you only really know someone when you live with them so for me, true romantic love comes after nikkah (islamic wedding). I didn't like him because like was associated with lust and didn't quite capture the essence of how I feel. Rather I think, I admire him. Yeah, that's it. Although I may not have spoken to him much, which is a good thing Ihsan, lower your gaze. But from what people have said, his reputation Mashallah, his family and the little that I have interacted with him I just feel as though this is someone who I'd comfortably enjoy spending the rest of my life with knowing that we'll only increase each other's Iman inshallah.

Subhanallah I have never felt like this before. I mean sure I had my set of high school crushes but the sweaty palms, palpitating, stuttering and stalking on Facebook come nothing close to what I feel. It feels as though I am just comfortable around him, although I get nervous I also feel a sense of ease in his presence. I respect him a lot Mashallah for what he does and I think that any girl who gets him is very lucky Mashallah. And he's a sheikh in training!!!

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