What Must Be Said

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

It has been about a year since I completed "Islamically Ever After" and I feel as though there are a few things that need to be said, so here they are...

* Firstly after thanking Allah ﷻ l, I have to thank you. Yes you who may be reading this under the covers whilst everyone thinks your sleeping (God only knows how many times I have done and will continue to do this), you who may be on the train, bus or in the car, you who are at school, University or work, YOU! Honestly a HUGE Jazakallahukheiran!!! The story is currently at around 300K viewers and that's something I couldn't even dream about when I began this little project. Although I don't reply to most of the comments, I'm so sorry, I get over 1000 sometimes so I can't go through them all but I do reply to personal messages and try to read as many of the comment as I can. And can I just say how beautiful you all are. You are such genuine, loving and caring people that many a time I've had to wipe a year or two from my eyes. And trust me when I say I could not be where I am here today without ALL of you. The silent readers, the comment ever two paragraphs reader (I love it), the omg-this-is-so-good-I-don't-even-want-to-stop-to-comment readers, the procrastination (books over work) readers, the analytical reader, the predictor reader (always figure out the plot twists), whatever reader you may be it's truly you who have impacted my life. And it's amazing to hear of some of you guys from places all over the world, in completely different contexts living different lives to be touched by my story...it's absolutely beautiful to be honest.

* The second thing that I must say is a little announcement that I have been thinking about for some time now but only really decided 5 minutes ago. I shall be writing another book at the end of the year (around November) Inshallah!!! So some very exciting news for me and (hopefully) you. I haven't really decided genre, plot or theme just yet so I'm open to suggestions but it's definetly another exciting project for me.

*Finally, please keep me in you duas. You are all in mine. I pray that Allah ﷻ grants you all jannatul firdous and showers His blessings, love and forgiveness upon you and your family. May He ﷻ bless you all with righteous spouses, pious children and a blessed prodigy. I pray that He ﷻ grants you patience, mercy and above all steadfastness.

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