Chapter Twenty Three

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

This chapter is dedicated to the lovely _lifeisamazayn_ for her comments, username and love. Jazakallahukheiran Hun!

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Ihsans POV
"Oh my Allah! It kicked!" I squealed, my hand on Ilham's bulging stomach.
"Yeah imagine that all night" she replied.
"Oh ya Allah! That's just...parenthood is amazing" I sighed, completely oblivious to her complaints.
"Well then inshallah you'll be one soon" she winked. That really got me out of my little parenthood bubble and into my oh-my-Allah-how-embarrassing-cheeks-on-fire bubble.

It was a week before the nikkah, two weeks before the walimah and all the preparations where ready, the only thing left to send out the invitations. I was fine with just mailing them, but of course Yusuf wanted to personally deliver them so we were currently at his/Ilham's house, waiting for him to return from Sheikh School.

Meanwhile Ilham and I were discussing names for her child to be inshallah considering she was around 3 weeks from labour inshallah. They had decided to keep it a secret so names for both genders were being discussed, that was until the baby decided to start kicking Mashallah.

"What about Khadija?"
"No, that's Tawfeeq's sisters name"
"His other sisters name"
"Doesn't work in English"
"Umm Kalthum?"
"Tawfeeq doesn't like Zaynab"
"I want a name from the Quran"
"Okay...there aren't many...Sundus (silk material which makes the garments of the dwellers - May Allah (swt) make us all among them) ?"
"Bara'ah (innocence) ?"
"Mmmm...I don't think that'll sound nice in English"
"Ukh I give up. You're too difficult and picky miss" I said throwing a pillow at her.
"Pregnant lady here! Yeah we'll see how you are, with your first child none the less"
"Oh I got about Jannah (paradise)?"

Yusufs POV
After a week of not attending Sheikh School, I definitely had a lot to catch up on. But if I was truly honest, I really missed it. And only two years to go, how I would juggle marriage, my teaching job and Sheikh School was something only Allah (swt) knew but I was determined to try my best inshallah.

The class had just ended and Sheikh was just about to leave when I called out, "Sheikh! Sorry to bother, but if you're free could I speak to you please?"
"Sure Yusuf, meet me in my office when you finish packing up Habibi" he replied warmly.

I hurriedly gathered my belongings and made my way to his office. For some odd reason my palms grew sweaty, and my heart was beating faster with every closer step. I guess Sheikhs opinion really mattered to me and I was so excited to tell him.

Upon arriving, I found his door open and he was on his chair, staring out the window in thought. I knocked twice and cleared my throat to make my presence known. "Come in come in Habibi. Have a seat Yusuf" he said and I obliged.

"So what is it you want to speak to me about?" He questioned, his eyes piercing through my soul.
"Sheikh you know your like a second father to me"
"You're too kind Yusuf"
"It's true! Anyway and so I want to tell you something that inshallah will make you really happy and kind of explain my recent absence." I said, fidgeting with my fingers
"Go on Habibi, now I'm excited"
"Well Sheikh, there's this girl right, her name is Ihsan, Ihsan Hakeem and Sheikh I asked for her hand in marriage. She's just...uh, amazing! She has the sweetest heart, an beautiful character, loves children, from what I've seen high iman Mashallah, our families are very compatible, she makes me really happy, I've prayed istikhara and we've scheduled the nikkah for next week and the walimah the week after that. And sheikh, well, um- I'd like to ask you to be the sheikh to validate our marriage inshallah. So w-w-what do you think?"

I looked up to see him staring at me, mouth slightly agape. His brows were furrowed and knuckles tight. "What do I think? So this is why you were away? Because of a girl in marriage?!" He exclaimed, flabbergasted and slightly hurt. "This is what was distracting you? Yusuf I've known you for years, you have never missed a day of your studies and within a span of a month you have missed out 2 weeks? I think you should be questioning her influence on you Yusuf. Habibi, I only want what's best for you. And I don't think marriage is that." He continued.

Shocked was a complete understatement, and add horrified in that as well. "Sheikh, I um- uh, I- didn't think that would b-be an issue?"
"You only have two years left and you're going to throw that away for marriage?! Well you better get your priorities sorted because your going to have to chose between marriage or your sheikh studies"
"Screaming as well Yusuf? Well I can see just what effects this is having on you. Never have you raised your voice in the 21 years I've known you and now this?! I'll give you till Friday. Salamualaykum"
"Walaykumasalwaramatallahuwabarakatuhu" I said and stormed out of the masjid.

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