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jisung had eventually told minho about his headspace, wanting to apologize for being 'weird' as he'd put it. it didn't matter to minho, however. he thought it was cute. felix, on the other hand was very confused about his current situation, or 'love life' in jisung's words. he and changbin had started to hang out more frequently, and he's been trusting him more and more naturally. to changbin's disappointment, felix still wasn't interested in pursuing a relationship with him, or at least that's what felix would like him to believe. changbin basically went above and beyond to please felix. felix of course, didn't like being the center of attention but didn't want to upset the older, so he let him.

felix cheered as he won the game, a graphic titled "victory" displayed across the screen. changbin just smiled at him. "i can never beat you." he pretended to be sad. "sorry. i'm just too good." felix smiled pompously. changbin rolled his eyes at that, a playful smile teasing at his lips. "oh." changbin beamed. "by the way, hyunjin wanted me to ask how you've been. said you haven't been picking up his calls." felix's smile fell. "oh did he?" he tried not to let it get to him. "i'm fine. i've been busy, you know?" changbin furrowed his eyebrows. busy? he's been hanging out here, though... changbin thought. "you two didn't get in a fight did you? was he rude? i'll curse at him for you." the older asked while still trying to keep a light mood. "no. it's ok." felix got up from the couch, looking around painfully. "i should go," he started. when there was no response from changbin, he began to walk out, but was interrupted by hands gently wrapping around his torso. changbin didn't know what happened between his two friends, but he could tell that felix needed a hug, and that was all that mattered. he started to feel the younger shake under him. looking up, he was met by the sight of tears rolling down felix's face . he quickly turned felix around to face him. "hey," he whispered, wiping the droplets off of the blond's cheeks. "it's ok. i'm here." he comforted the younger, placing a kiss on his forehead. felix finally hugged him back. changbin wanted to feel happy about this milestone, but held it in, this not being the time for that. "do you want to talk about what happened?" he asked. felix simply shrugged, "i don't know. i liked hyunjin a lot. for a long time. i officially joined the dance company because of him. but then he got a boyfriend. it doesn't feel right to be around him anymore. i still miss him, though." changbin felt a tear in his heart. "it'll be ok, lix." was all he could muster. felix nodded slightly nuzzling into the hug. "thanks binnie." he sighed. "i'm sorry to bring this all on you at once." changbin just nodded, rubbing cirles into the younger's back.

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