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felix sipped his coffee, breathing in the aroma of the cafe. he couldn't sit still, his palms were sweaty, and his breathing jagged as he waited for someone to arrive. his eyes snapped to the door as he heard it's bell jingle, meeting those of hwang hyunjin's. suddenly he felt himself let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, though he still felt nervous.

the taller sat down, giving felix a pained smile. "thanks for the coffee." he said, looking down. "i'm guessing that jeongin talked to you?" he met felix's eyes. he nodded. "he told me that he thinks you might have feelings for me... and that i should talk to you about it." he fidgeted with his fingers under the table.

hyunjin nodded. "i've thought about it a lot actually, and i realized he was right. what i feel about you is more than friendly. i really care about you, felix." felix tried to process his words. after pining over hyunjin since he met him, he's finally hearing that his feelings have been returned. but why does it feel so different now? felix knew the answer.

"i'm sorry i put you through so much. to be honest i've liked you since the day i met you," hyunjin smiled. "i'd be so excited for the next dance class just so we could practice together. the only difference now is that i have someone. someone who's shown me love and care since the beginning. and someone who's heart is too precious to break. and i don't want to break it either because he's managed to make his way into my heart aswell. i'm sorry hyunjin, but i have feelings for changbin."


jisung was woken up by the feeling of two arms wrapping around him. "felix? what time is it." he groaned. "9 am." he hummed. "you can go back to sleep. i just wanted to cuddle." jisung shook his head, wondering why felix was up so early. "did you go somewhere this early? you smell like muffins." the blond nodded. "i met with hyunjin at the cafe near the studio.

"what? why would you need to meet with him?" felix gave him a look. "well it seems that i was the only one unaware of what has been going on lately." he sighed. "jeongin visited me last night and told me everything. he said that he broke up with hyunjin because he believes that hyunjin has feelings for me." jisung's eyes widened in shock. "what?! he liked you this whole time??" he gasped. felix nodded. "so what did you say?" the brunette asked.

"i told him the truth. that i've liked him for a long time, but that i have feelings for changbin now." jisung nodded before processing what his best friend just told him. "you what?! really?!" he turned around, seeing felix nod, a smile on his face. "that's great felix, i'm so proud of you!"

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