Chapter 17

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Kai's POV

"Yes, I'll get them ready. I guess I could teach her today" Billie says from the couch, legs stretched to the point where I can barely squeeze in. She looks at me and winks, patting her chest.

I furrow my brows because I know she's talking about me and get closer, trying to hear the conversation. She hums and kisses my head, slipping her hand down my shirt.

"Yeah she's down. Want to say hi to Mark, baby?" She asks, handing me the phone.

I nod and put it against my ear, clearing my throat. "Hi Mark, how have you been?" I shiver when Billie's hand goes down my waistline but fight the urge to move at all.

"Good! Talking some things over with Billie. She'll teach you some stuff today. You alright?" I look up at Billie and she licks her lips, bringing me closer.

"Yes uh" I get lost in her beautiful eyes for a second, words stuck in my throat. I can hear him talking again but now his words fade into nothing as Billie laughs, squeezing my thigh.

"Kai?" Mark says loudly, making me jump. I curse and look at Billie daringly, pointing a finger at her.

"Apologies Mark, I'm doing well. What's Billie teaching me today?" I rub my temples trying to put all my attention on him, ignoring her persistent tugs on my arm.

"You should ask her! I think I will go do some stuff I've been putting off now. Talk later?"

I hang up after saying my goodbyes and hand Billie her phone back, looking at her expectantly. "Anything to say for yourself?"

"Yeah that you almost lost it there" she jokes and I laugh, resting my head on her lap. She kisses me gently and pecks my nose, smiling. "Pretty girl"

"So what am I learning today?"

"Oh yes. To use my gun" she says and now I'm confused. Why the hell do I need to know if I already have my own weapon?


She ponders for a couple minutes and then caresses my cheeks, shrugging. "It would be good for you to know at least the basics. I want you safe"

I close my eyes and nod, pouting. "You keep me safe"

"You have to be able to defend yourself, Kai. Timing doesn't always play in our favor"

I guess she's right. "Are we practicing back at the house?"

"Honestly I have been trying to avoid that place. Ever since we left they've been really quiet, which I don't like" she sighs, getting up. I agree, they have been exceptionally quiet. "We should take that as a sign to take matters into our hands. Get dressed please, I'll get some tea ready"

A shiver runs down my spine and I ignore the goosebumps on my arms, opening my suitcase. "What's your plan?"

"To teach you how to use my gun so whatever it is they are planning won't kill you" she says, filling the kettle.

"Why would Rory do that to you? She's your best friend" my voice is muffled when the hoodie slips past my head but she scoffs, making it known she heard me.

"She seems different. Jaden is your best friend too, you know?"

I hum and reach for the steamy mug, carefully taking a sip. "She hasn't been that quiet with me, not that I've noticed"

She clicks her tongue and crouches down to rummage through her bag, grabbing both her gun and my knife. "Doesn't mean she isn't putting on a show"

She's not wrong. Definitely not. But I don't think Jay would betray me like that. I slide the knife down my waistline, adjusting it to make sure its secured in place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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