Chapter 10

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Kai's POV

"I'm bored out of my mind" Billie huffs, plopping down on her bed.

"Movie night?" I question, leaning against her dresser. She nods and I smile, walking to her desk to inspect the drawers.

I gather some of the cassettes Billie has collected over the years and bring them over to the cozy spot we set up, landing with a slight jump.

"Let's watch The Wizard of Oz" Billie says and I nod, trying to find the right cassette.

We'd been doing this for weeks now. After dinner, lunch or whenever we could find free time we would find ourselves in either mine or Billie's room. We typically had long talks about anything and everything but tonight we had decided on a movie marathon since Billie has quite the collection.

"You better not fall asleep on me" Billie warns while adjusting her body against the blanket and I laugh, shrugging.

"Can't promise anything" I sigh comfortably, resting my head on one of her fluffy pillows before hitting play.

As the intro starts playing and a bunch of names make their appearance on the screen, my mind drifts off to our current situation.

Everything seemed to be pretty calm and because Seven hadn't been here in a while, things were falling into place. Jaden had already accepted the fact that Jax would be going on trips to New Mexico quite often so they've been spending even more time together, leaving us on our own most of the time. Where's Rory you might be wondering? Well, she spent some of her savings on a skateboard and that's all she's been focused on ever since.

I feel Billie slap the back of my head and I gasp, looking at her confused.

"Are you paying attention?" She asks, pointing to the tv.

"Yes I am" I say and take the opportunity to look at my phone and check the time. 11:36 p.m. Pretty early for a Sunday night.

I adjust the pillow to a more comfortable position and like every other night, curl myself into a little ball for comfort. While the characters dance happily on the screen, I feel Billie's hand find my hair and she starts massaging gently, almost making me purr.

"How do you not want me to fall asleep?" I whisper almost inaudibly but I know Billie catches it cause she laughs, patting my head.

"You love it" her mouth gets closer to my ear and I shiver, feeling my cheeks getting hot.

I'm not gonna lie, we'd always find ourselves in similar situations whenever we ended up in her room and it was getting harder to control myself. I could tell Billie was struggling too but I wasn't gonna bring it up casually. And deep down, I knew it would jeopardize her life and the last thing I wanted was for her to be hurt because of my stupid decisions.

One thing I will admit is that she seemed even more beautiful to me as days passed. And I didn't even know that was possible.

"Stop I-" I stutter dumbly, the words getting caught in my throat.

She starts stroking my cheek gently and gets on top of me, 'The Wizard of Oz' now forgotten. I notice how her blue eyes are shining under the red lights and smile sadly, shaking my head.

"I don't think it's safe for us to do this, Bil" I frown, avoiding her gaze.

She sighs and moves her hair to the side, sitting on my hips. "Look, I don't care what-"

Suddenly the door flies open and I try to get up but Billie stops me from moving, confusion clouding my features. I quickly turn my head to the side and when I see colorful hair my heart stops.

I feel my heart beat even faster when Seven closes the door behind him and Billie looks at him expectantly, not even fazed by his sudden appearance.

"I guess I was right about your little girlfriend" he says, pointing to my direction.

"You never knock, do you?" Billie breathes out and I can almost see the anger flowing through her.

"Oh was I interrupting? Sorry to ruin your little special mo-"

"What do you want?" Billie interrupts him, standing up and helping me sit back up.

"I need you to go" Seven looks at me and I stand up, getting ready to leave but Billie shakes her head, stepping closer to him.

"She's not leaving. From this moment onwards, whatever you have to say to me she hears it as well" I can't help but smile at her words and Seven chuckles, shrugging.

"We'll see how long this little game lasts. Prince has more men for you but you know, I was thinking Kai here could do it since she's been feeling so brave lately"

My heart sinks when I hear that and as soon as I open my mouth to defend both Billie and myself, Billie clears her throat, her lips turning into a straight line. "I am doing it. You are not putting Kai in danger like we already are"

"Whatever you say, sugar lips. Remember that this is not Romeo and Juliet" he laughs dryly, making his way out the door.

"Billie-" I try to say once he's gone but she shushes me, sitting us both on her bed again. She breathes deeply a few times and when her already tired eyes find mine, they can't help but water slightly.

"You are not doing anything. It's always been my problem and it will continue to be that way"

"You don't have to do this" my voice wavers and I take her hands in mine, stroking her knuckles.

"You don't understand Kai. It's either that or be dead. And he knows how much I care about you so he won't hesitate to get rid of you too. I am not risking your life any further" the feeling in my stomach only gets worse and I stay silent because I know damn well that words won't make this situation any better.

"Why did you have to get into this" I say, rubbing my face tiredly.

"Only way out" are the only strained words she says. She lies back down and stretches her arm out, looking at me with pleading eyes.

I sigh and give in but this time I curl myself into her warm embrace, our legs unconsciously intertwining with ease. Billie tenses up for a second but relaxes in no time, making me smile shyly. I can feel her smiling too as she removes the now tousled hair from my face and caresses my arm, soft motions that make me drowsy almost instantly.

"I don't care what he or anyone thinks, Kai. I'll protect you" she whispers soothingly and my mind drifts back to our previous conversation. My heart suddenly fills with warmth and I look up at her, getting lost in those beautiful baby blue eyes.

"I'll protect you" I reply softly, even though I have no idea what I'm doing or what's gonna happen. But it's exactly what I intend to do, no matter what.

She stares at my lips for a second and I involuntary lick them, looking back at hers. She grabs my chin gently and kisses my forehead, turning me into a love puddle. I bury myself in her neck and close my eyes at her sweet perfume surrounding me and her hands lovingly massaging my scalp.

I notice the t.v volume get lower and lower and her arms wrapping me into what seems like a burrito, bringing me nothing but ultimate comfort. She drapes the fuzzy blanket over us and pecks my nose this time, her soft breathing blending into mine.

"Sweet dreams mama"



we all need a bit of love sometimes

thoughts on this chapter filled with fluff and a tiny bit of drama?
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much love x

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