And They Were Roommates

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Chapter 2

You were startled and jumped upon hearing this man's voice talking to you. You turn around to see a slim, fairly tall man with pale skin and spiky, jet-black hair. He had very noticeable, purple scars on his face and arms, with staples, as if they were holding his skin together. You couldn't help but stare. You had never seen anyone with scars like this and you thought they looked cool. As you continued watching him absentmindedly, his harsh voice snapped you out of your trance.

"I asked who the fuck are you?" His tone was slightly angrier than before.

"Oh, I'm sorry", you say. "I'm Y/n. You must be my roommate right?"

You extend a hand out to the scarred man, but he just glared straight at you before slowly walking closer. You didn't like the look in his eyes. As you slowly began walking back, there was a knock on the door. He stopped moving towards you and you stood still for a couple of seconds before running over to get the door.

There stood your landlord. He walked in, and both you and the guy who you assumed was your roommate watched him.

"I see you two have already met."

"Who is this chick and why is she in my apartment?", the mystery man spat out, glaring at the landlord.

I just told him my name... Okay.

"Ms. L/n here is your new roommate. It seems I've forgotten to inform you beforehand."

"I was never supposed to have a roommate", you jump in.

"Yes, well let me explain", the landlord begins. "You see what happened was someone had gotten to the empty room before you. I couldn't cancel last minute and ended up having to double-book this room. I figured you two wouldn't mind."

"You couldn't have at least consulted me about this first?", you ask Mr. Sato, your landlord.

You look over to the man, whose name you still did not know. He looked completely unfazed. He stood slightly crouched with his hands in his pockets.

The landlord looks over at him. "Maybe now you can finally turn in your rent on time."

He turns back at you. "So it's settled then."

"Wait. I didn't agree to-"

"Great. Anything else, don't hesitate to let me know", Sato says as he walks out.

You were left standing in the messy living room with your seemingly nameless roommate. You turn to face him to once again ask for his name.


He walked straight past you, bumping into your shoulder as he did.

"Hey!", you say.

He didn't even turn back. He walked out, leaving the door wide open behind him. Of all the people you could've shared an apartment with, it just had to be someone like him. He doesn't exactly seem nice.

He looked like he wanted to kill me when he saw me. That's understandable, though. I'd be mad if I found someone else in my house. Can't really blame him.

You were pretty tired from the jet lag and wanted nothing more than to pass out on your bed. Only thing was, you didn't have a bed, or a mattress. All that was left in your room was an old dresser. You head out and find the nearest furniture store, with the help of your phone's map of course. You were new to the streets of Japan and did not know what you were doing.

It was only around 6:30 and the streets already started to get dark. The nearest furniture store was only a block away so you didn't have to travel far. Unfortunately, they were not able to deliver it and you'd have to wait until tomorrow.

As you walked back to your apartment, you saw a strange flash of blue light in a nearby alleyway.

What was that?

You were curious. But this was not some cliche horror movie, so you minded your business and walked straight past it.

As you got back, you jumped straight in the shower. After you got out, you realized something.

Crap. My clothes.

You wrap your towel around your body and walk into the living room. You begin pulling clothes out of your suitcase. Suddenly, you hear the doorknob rattling. Your roommate tramped through the door, slamming it behind him. He went straight to his bedroom and slammed that door shut as well. You didn't even think he noticed you standing there.

Well, he's in a bad mood.

After going back into the bathroom to change your clothes, you were officially ready to pass out. The only place that would be possible was the couch.

It's only one night.

You spread a sheet over the couch since it was kind of dirty, and you lay down. You instantly drifted off to sleep.


The next day, your new bed, mattress, and other furniture for your bedroom was delivered. You expected the workers to set it up for you, but no. They left you to figure it out for yourself. All these things were done for you back home, so you had no idea what you had to do.

You thought that maybe you could ask your roommate for help, but he didn't seem to like you much. After almost two hours of trying to build your bed yourself, you have up. Construction was definitely not your thing. You put your pride aside and knock on his door.

You got no answer, so you knocked a second time. Again, there was no answer. You opened the door carefully, but you saw he wasn't there. You closed back the door and turned around, only to see him standing behind you.

You were startled. He stood in front of you in nothing but a towel.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you weren't here."

His hair was damp and no longer sticking upwards. They hung like bangs over his face. He ran his hands through his messy hair. He also had a noticeable scar patch that started around his lower chest area to his waist, which looked like it extended to his back. He was ripped.

"What were you doing in my room?"

Shit. Was I staring? I was staring.

"No, I wasn't in there. I was looking for you."


"I wanted to ask for your help with something."

"No, figure it out yourself."

"You don't know what I was gonna ask, though."

"I said figure it out. Move, you're blocking my door."

He grabbed ahold of your shoulder and moved you out the way.

So much for that...


𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 & 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 || dabiWhere stories live. Discover now