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Chapter 27

"How have you managed to stay alive this long?"

"Shut up... Turn around", you say skeptically. The voice sounded too much like Dabi's. But he was dead. It couldn't be him... right?

As the person slowly turned around, you were in shock. It was Dabi. Or was your mind just playing tricks on you? You were tired after a long day so that could explain it.

"It's been what? Less than four months? And you're already here living your life as if I'm not supposed to be dead."

"You are dead", you respond.

"I'm right here."

"It's... you... No, I'm imagining things."

Your head started to hurt. Maybe all you needed to do was sleep.

"I thought you were someone else, sorry."

You turn around.

"Is it that hard to believe it's me?"

You turn back around to analyze the man's face. Same scars, same face, same hair except now it was dyed completely white.

His entire body was soaked in rain, but there was no doubt in your mind that it wasn't him. It was actually Dabi. Living and breathing. It didn't make any sense.

You reluctantly walk over and poke the person's arm, still wanting to be sure that your mind wasn't playing tricks on you.

"Got the proof you need?", he asks.

"You fucking with me right now?"

"Can't say I am."

"It is you..."

Seeing that it was indeed Dabi, you felt the urge to hug him, which was something you two never did before. You drop your umbrella, not caring that the rain was already soaking through your now damp clothes.

You wrap your arms around him tightly. His face kept its serious demeanor as always.

"Don't do that. It's gross", he says.

Unbeknownst to you, his lips curve into a small smirk when you ignored him and wouldn't let go. Either way, he wasn't used to anything like that so all he could do was rest his hand on your head, gently rubbing it.

"Okay, you can let go now. This is fucking weird."

You slowly release your grip on him and drop your hands back to the side. The rain had eased up a bit. You took one more good look at the man before you before hitting him in his chest, which didn't affect him much.

"What are you trying to accomplish?", he asks.

"How the hell are you even here right now? I saw your body in that morgue. And your hair. You dyed it back to white."

"I didn't want to be noticed. As you said, I'm supposed to be dead. I shouldn't stand out."

"Yeah, because no one will recognize those big ass scars on your face. And I think white hair stands out more than black. It seems more unnatural, but then again everything happening here right now is unnatural."

𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 & 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 || dabiWhere stories live. Discover now