Ch-37 ...the way... (Part 3)

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  • Dedicated to an awesome group ;)

                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.’


Dedicated to Muba, Afreen and their whole awesome group who gushed about IYL in college… Jazak Allahu Khairan Katheera for making me grin crazily ;D


Chapter Thirty-Seven

…the way… (Part 3)


Minnesota, U.S.A.

The crowd was bone crushing, volunteers intermittently shouted to maintain calm, but who listened to those poor souls with now almost hoarse throats –

Maryam stood at the edge in the women’s side and watched yearningly as the men, boys and even some ladies surrounded the world’s one of the blessedly inspiring and heart wrenching speaker –Ustad Nouman Ali Khan.

She wished she could have a chance of speaking with him yet she knew the massive crowd was beyond and way ahead of her –so she simply waited and watched until he finally disappeared with the crowd still swirling around him, her heart still tender and throbbing with his words, for he had spoken completely about His (SWT’s) Words. What beautiful changes he had brought in others life, the Ustad will perhaps never know, but there were more than a thousand in this world, who asked Du’a for him from their hearts every single day of their life.

Maryam was so grateful to Allah SWT that He had blessed her to be here today among such a wonderful crowd. This was the first time she was seeing so many Muslims together at one place, it utterly delighted her, and Sufyaan saw her often grinning giddily at each and everything.  

She had been tensed this whole week, things were still not better at the college, her work was rejected in parts –the parts that she had added for modesty’s sake (and it differed from the way she was being taught), besides she was repeatedly facing public abasement in the campus regarding her Hijab. Now that media had taken its mission as degrading Islam –as if they could ever… or doing its usual homework, generating Islamophobia.

“But you look so beautiful, why this?” the curious ones were like this while the deliberately mocking or provoking ones went somewhat like,

“C’mon babe, show us your hotness!”

“You mean she has no hair?”

But her now close friends Hana and Jaya stood by her, and so the days somehow dragged. Maryam sometimes mused how Islam seemed to be everywhere, not in its flattering best – But that was because those who propagated it falsely either did in utter ignorance and were stubbornly proud in their lack of knowledge or else they were those who were shaitaan’s handymen, deliberately planning to debase Islam for a paltry sum of wealth, well knowing that it is the Truth. Ah for how long?


Wa yamkuruuna wayamkurullaah, wAllaahu khairul maakiriin

…they plot and plan, and Allah too plans; And Allah is the Best of planners!

Did they think that the world will never end? Don’t they realize that death will reach them at any moment? And surely they would be brought back to their Lord, and don’t they fear that He will tell them what they used to do!         

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