Ch-2 The Reason is revealed

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              In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), all his descendents and companions.’



Chapter Two

The Reason is revealed

It was 2:00 pm when the bell rang announcing their return from Masjid and the women had just completed their Zuhur Salah. Saira and Humaira both still in their long white headscarves worn especially during Salah came hurrying to the living hall. Saira reached the door first and opened it to a chorus of loud Assalamu Alaikums.

“Walaikum Assalam, Abba came?” she asked Saif.

“Yes we all met in Masjid and he is coming now with Yahya.”

And from the kitchen came the voice of Kadhija asking the children to spread the dastarkhaan (tablecloth). Humaira brought the long, green dastarkhaan while Umar and Saif opened two large mats in the free space of the living hall, which was particularly reserved for eating. Soon the dastarkhaan was spread and various steaming dishes, plates and glasses were appealingly arranged.

“Assalamu Alaikum!” vibrated the deep voice of Abdullah as he entered the house.

And the reply “Walaikum Assalam Abba!” was heard upon everyone’s lips.

  Abdullah was a tall grey haired, grey bearded man of almost fifty-five years. His face was kind and there lurked the inevitable twinkle in his bright black eyes. His occupation was mainly trade of leather goods. When he first married Kadhija thirty years ago, he had just taken over the crumbling business from his father. He often declared to his children, ‘If it had not been for your Ammi, only Allah knows what would have become of me!’ Both together had seen, experienced, and endured what one alone could not have survived. And when their children looked at those two, they indeed understood what True Love is.      

“What dastarkhaan already spread? Then come everyone be seated!” he called as he went to wash his hands.

Both the men and boys had sat when Humaira and Saira brought the water and sweet dish.

“Eating with Ammi and Heena dear?” Abdullah asked Humaira. She nodded and went back to the kitchen.

“But you can sit with us Saira child and now in this state of yours you know you must not delay or postpone eating.” He said looking at her.

“No Abbu it is alright, I will eat with them.”

“Why what’s wrong with her?”Saif asked sharply, glancing up.

“Nothing’s wrong. She is just pregnant Alhamdulillah.”Abdullah stated.

 “What?” Saif asked as if he had not heard properly.

“Do I have to repeat myself young man?”

“No what I m..mean is…” Saif's mouth had almost hung open.

When his brain finally comprehended its meaning, he suddenly stood up.

“I am going to see Misbah now!”

“Saif!” Saira warned, indicating Abdullah’s changing face.

“What is the meaning of this Saifullah? Is this how you show respect to dastarkhaan?” Abdullah asked, the anger plainly showing in his voice.

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