Ch-16 When the devil whispers... (Part 1)

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.’


Chapter Sixteen

When the devil whispers… (Part 1)


It was not yet four in the morning when there sounded an impatient knock upon the door of Saif’s cabin.

In a half dreamy state, his mind’s tendrils trying to grasp and take hold of the fact that There is no God but Allah as Saif murmured repeatedly the Dhikr “Laa ilaha illa Allah!” when he was rudely startled by the loud knock.

Saif blinked and looked around the dimly lit cabin and saw his sister praying Tahajjud nearby. The knock sounded again making him yawn and stretch, getting up leisurely.

Vaguely thinking to give a piece of mind to Raju for bringing water now after so many hours, Saif opened the door still yawning.

“Who…?” He frowned at the huge man who seemed to loom above.

“Fred…Fred William.” The large dark man gave an awkward grin. His thumb jerked sideways. “From there. Jo says your sister was very good to her…and…Jo says…she wants her now.”

Saif, his sleepiness vanished took in the appearance of the man and gave his usual smile.

“Why of course... I will tell her that ‘Jo wants her now’. Is it because of the baby?”

Fred gave him a grateful look, scratching his dark frizzy hair.

“Yea…he will not sleep and won’t let the others to sleep either. I just came back from the club, so when Jo told about her…I thought that maybe…” Seeing Saif’s smile disappear by his words, Fred stopped himself before blundering further.

“You were gone the whole night leaving them both alone?”

“No not the whole night…it was Jo who said it would be better if I’m outside the cabin rather than inside with them…can’t deal with two guys she said…”

The smile came back. “Alright. I will ask my sister and say.”

Humaira who had shortened her Du’a hearing the voices at the door, now looked up when Saif approached her.

On hearing the whole thing, she immediately stood up folding the Prayer mat.

“‘Course I will go, poor girl…” She murmured to herself, knowing well that even though Jo had looked so tall, she was just a girl who had recently crossed her teens.

As she wore her abaya, Saif did Mashwara with her and they both agreed that it would be best if the man stayed in their cabin while Humaira goes to his.

 “She is ready and you can come inside.” Saif told Fred, who entered the dimly lit cabin and blinked as his eyes became adjusted to it. Humaira with a nod to Saif slipped away quietly.

“So where is she?” Fred asked, peering into a corner.

“Who?” Saif asked casually, and Fred failed to detect the teasing in it.

“Oh she…your sister I mean.”

“Didn’t you see her? Why, she left in front of you…”

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