Ch-4 The story of a selfish love

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                        In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’


Dedicated to Sallizbat20 for her captivating style of writing ;)


Chapter Four

The story of a selfish love


Minnesota, U.S.A


The girl slightly stumbled as she picked her way cautiously through the dimly lit hall. Finally reaching the staircase, she was about to sigh in relief when everything flooded with bright light.

“Oh, hey Dad!” She said carelessly, looking at the man who was standing with his hand on the switchboard.

“Maryam, do you know what time it is?” Sufyaan Khan asked his daughter, doing a brave attempt of controlling the rage that was furiously boiling inside him. He was a tall, broad shouldered man with dense black hair, bushy eyebrows and black eyes.

“Nope, I have no watch you see.” Maryam Jennifer Khan replied in a feeble attempt at joke, showing him her bare wrists. She was a tall, pretty girl of nineteen with beautiful auburn hair and bright black eyes.

“What dress is this you are wearing?” he asked breathing a little shakily, the strain of controlling the growing anger showing plainly in the deep frown and beads of perspiration on his forehead.

 “A new one,” Maryam replied with a small smile. “I bought it last week; everyone said I look lovely in it.”  

“Lovely?” Sufyaan mocked, a little shudder passing over his big frame as he looked again at his daughter’s dress. She was wearing a sleeveless black frock that barely reached her knees. Over it, she wore a small, shiny red coat and high red heels.

 Maryam shrugged and was about to ascend the stairs when her father’s growling voice stopped her.

“We need to talk Maryam.”

“Look Dad, I am terribly tired. Can’t this wait until tomorrow, besides why this sudden display of affectionate concern? You rarely bother whether I'm dead or alive.”


“There is no need to shout please, what do you want to know?” She asked in a bored voice.

“Why did you not introduce me to the guy who dropped you now?”

“Why should I introduce him to you?” Maryam asked, raising a perfectly chiseled brow.

“Are you not both engaged then?” Sufyaan asked watching her face keenly.

“What! Engaged? With Joe? Why the heck would I be engaged to him?” She asked back in an amused tone.

“I saw you both…” He paused and then continued with a great effort. “I saw you two kissing each other.”

“So?” She inquired calmly.

“You don’t deny?” He blazed, his face growing red in suppressed emotion.

“Of course not. Was it for that you asked whether I was engaged to him?” She gave him an odd look.

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