A Surprise for you ❤️

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  • Dedicated to the lovers of IYL... ❤️

       In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

'Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.'

                                                                   - Aameen.

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh my dear reader of IYL :))))

Before the Big News, have I thanked you for your most beautiful fantabulous support? Never mind, I thank you all once again from my heart of hearts, Jazak Allaahu Firdaus! For as our beloved Nabi SAW said, when you ask, ask for Jannathul Firdaus – may we all meet there In shaa Allah Aameen Summa Aameen ya Rabbul 'Alameen! (can't wait ;))

So to those crazy fans of Saif and Maryam, rejoice! Lol. For IYL would be ending by the next chapter In shaa Allah, and Book Two will begin soon In shaa Allah by His SWT's awesome Fazal :) [yes you can hug me ;D]

I'll reveal the Book Two's title in the next and last chapter of IYL, all the characters would be there In shaa Allah, Ahmed and Humaira's story will continue, but the focus would be upon Maryam and Saif's story and another couple In shaa Allah (any guesses? ;))

So once again, thank you a gazillion for being such a gem of a reader!

With my every Du'a for you,

abdurRahman (Adila :))

p.s Hehe surprised y'all right? Do remember in Duas In shaa Allah...

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