Ch-9 HALT -Go slow, Fates at Work!

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

'Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.'



Dedicated to dear Anita Misra, 'cause to tell the truth I signed up for Wattpad just to vote on her sweet Rachel's Story ;))

Chapter Nine

HALT –Go slow, Fates at Work!


London, U.K.


Pulling off his mask and surgical gloves, Alex threw them in the tray held by a timid nurse. Then without a backward glance, he exited the operating theatre. His glance fell upon a middle-aged couple holding their hands with brave smiles. They immediately stood up upon seeing him.


Alex stopped them with a gesture of his hand and nodded curtly.

"She will live!"

The next moment he had left them staring after him, mixed with wonder and awe, their gratitude unexpressed.

It had been almost five days since Wilson had given him the tickets and he was still in London. The day after morrow was Sunday, the last day to leave. He had struggled everyday from leaving, for to him it meant defeat. Defeat by a dead friend. Yet there was his promise and he knew he could not back out. And the most strange thing was, once his tormented heart and soul realized that he would be leaving soon, the haunting images and hallucinations had stopped this whole week. For which, Alex did not know whether to be thankful or curse his da** mind!

He checked his schedule as he pressed the lift's button impatiently and entered alone when the doors opened. Besides him, two other nurses were already in. Upon seeing who had entered, they both unconsciously moved a little further inside. Alex's glance swept over them and rested upon a spot above. While one nurse with chubby cheeks seemed to be typing furiously in her phone, the other, a pretty blonde looked curiously at Alex from under her lashes.

Feeling her scrutiny, Alex looked at her with a sudden directness making her shiver and hastily turn away from the iciness of his gaze. She did not make the attempt again though she felt that his cold eyes were still upon her.

Soon both exited leaving him alone and the blonde nurse let out a shaky breath, which she did not know she had been holding.

"So he was The Dr. Alex Montex huh?" She laughed a little, trying to forget the piercing arctic eyes.

"Frightened you?" The chubby nurse gave a knowing look.

"Oh no, it was only those eyes, gave me creeps!"

"Don't worry you will get used to it. Since you came last month, did you ever see him smile?"

"Are you asking me have I ever seen a blue moon?" The blonde nurse laughed again making the other chuckle.

"Oh most of us know those eyes are just a mask. When he wants, he can be very charming. I have seen him smile, no I have seen him was I guess more than a year ago. Something happened last year, I don't know much but after that, he became more stern and cold yet will you believe if I say that he dated Nora and some others? Nora I remember 'cause they were together for more than a month."

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