The End ;)

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  • Dedicated to (Insert your awesome name) ;D


                      In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Peace and Blessings of Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammed (s.a.s), his blessed family and noble companions.


Whoever you are, wherever you are... dear reader of mine, for your awesome support until here, just wanted to say 


I don't know whether this story would have ever been completed if not for your beautiful patience and wonderful love until the very end... though I wonder how I even deserve it, and so for being utterly fantabulous, once again


For me, your Duas and Love are ever 'The Blessing' among blessings! 

Lastly, the Du'a that I asked at the beginning of this book, I ask again and end this work,

“O Allah! O Most Gracious Rahman, Every single word, nay, every single letter was written by Thy grace, All Praise is to Thee alone.

O Sovereign Lord of the whole Universe, Thou alone is the author of every soul’s fate and the reader of every throbbing heart;

Be it in the heavens or in the earth Nothing is ever hidden from Thy sight and

O Most Powerful Allah! Only Thee know the true intention of this work of mine and if there are mistakes, do forgive me for I am nothing but thy helpless servant and O Most Gracious One! Thou being our Lord and Master always love to forgive Thy slaves.

Indeed, Thou are the most wonderful and the bestest of all Rewarders, No deed or work done for earning Thy pleasure ever goes astray and if Thee are pleased with this work, what more can Thy slave need?

And O Rahman! To Thee alone is every soul’s final return.” 


Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullaah! :)

With sweetest Du'as,

abdurRahman (Gudi)


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