Ch-20 O my son, Laa Tushrik Bi Allâh!

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

'Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.'


Dedicated to DocZuk for honouring me with her first ever message ;)

Chapter Twenty

O my son, Laa Tushrik Bi Allâh!

After listening and drinking from Saif the most beautiful words ever revealed to mankind, Humaira with her heart still filled with awe and Love of Allah SWT and surrounded by the tranquility that always accompanies such Love, walked with her siblings for the dinner to the MDR.

Umar remarked upon the empty space of Alex as they all sat at their own table with the American couple.

"So what do you want me to do if he eats there in his cabin? It's his choice Umar, now don't talk with your mouth full..."

Umar swallowed hastily and said with a troubled frown,

"But Saif Bhaiya, he will be so alone!"

Saif rolled his eyes. "For Allah's sake Umar, he is a grown up man...if he wants to come, then of course he would have come. You talk as if we are the only people he knows on this ship."


"That is enough Umar!"

"Now Umar dear let's finish eating first and then we will talk all about your Uncle Alex..." Humaira interrupted quietly seeing that Saif's patience was wearing thin.

The cause of course was the girl who had joined the American couple and who now sat opposite Saif and Humaira in clothes that revealed more than they covered. It was easy to see from the way Saif's dark eyes glittered that he was very angry. He repeatedly passed a hand over his eyes and hurriedly finished the dinner. Humaira understanding him, followed his actions and urged Umar to finish his quickly too. For the girl or woman with the scant crop top ogled Saif with a bold smile, in a vain attempt to catch his eye that he studiously kept lowered.

"Yes that is enough...Thank you!" Saif paid the bill to their waiter and got up with 'relief' plainly written on his face. Yet the glitter did not leave the eyes. For the woman's voice was clearly heard as the siblings moved away -

"...Indian accent is so da** sexy!"

Humaira who had been feeling uneasy apprehending Saif's anger couldn't help suppressing a laugh now and saw to her relief Saif smile back.

"Ya Allah the mischief these women do!" Saif shook his head grimly as they walked back to their cabin. The rain began when they had almost reached it and Umar's hopeful question of pool was met with a smiling refusal.

"Not every day Umar not every day..."

"Who will answer to Ammi if you catch fever?" Humaira asked, slowly removing her abaya.

"'If' rarely happens Humair Di..." Umar imitated Saif's words who chuckled while Humaira laughed.

"Enough about this rain, come on now, this is the blessed night of Jumu'ah...let's have Ta'leem." Saif said, taking the Ahadith volume in his hand and motioning them to sit. He opened the book with Bismillah and began to read the first Hadith that met his gaze.

"Recorded by Muslim that Hudhaifa Radhi Allahu 'anhu narrates: I heard Rasoolullahi Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam saying:

Hearts will be exposed to temptations as a mat is woven stick by stick. Any heart that accepts these temptations gets a black spot; and any heart that rejects these, gets a white spot. As a result, hearts will become of two kinds; One white like marble. So no temptation could harm it as long as the heavens and earth stand. And the other heart is black and dusty like an overturned bowl - (the heart gets blackened by excessive sins and, as an overturned bowl cannot retain anything in it, similarly there will be no hatred for sins and the light of Emaan [faith] will not remain in this heart) neither will it recognize good as good nor evil as evil but will pursue its desires."

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