Ch-10 In His Hand lies the Power of mending hearts ♥

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’


Dedicated to my Nymph for shattering her image and revealing to her that I am no saint…Lol! My dearest Nymph, though your friend is no angel, she will always remain your quaint ditty ;)


Chapter Ten

In His Hand lies the Power of mending hearts


Minnesota, U.S.A

The night was cold and windy and as Maryam got out of her car, she shivered and looked at her home with mixed emotions. Good luck and if he kicks you out, you are always welcome here! Sophia’s laughing words rang in her mind as her heart throbbed queerly. Suddenly she looked up and realized that there was a light in her room. It was clearly visible through the glass panes of her window.

The queerness of her beating heart increased when she entered her home, and found it dark and still. She was not late, it was barely eight yet everything was hushed and quiet. Switching on the lights, she stood in the hall expecting every ticking moment for Sufyaan to come from his room and shout at her. As nobody appeared, she softly moved further inside and came and stood before his door just like she had done this morning. Was it this morning? She asked herself trying to divert her mind from the pain, which she knew would soon start if she continued to gaze at his door and wondered what he was doing in there.

Pulling her gaze and heart from the door that always remained closed to her, she commanded her mind to work sensibly as she slowly raised her hand to knock. Her hand trembled as the knock sounded upon his door. Maryam gulped back the stinging tears and pasted a mechanical smile on her lips waiting for him to open. The queerness had vanished and now her heart throbbed madly as each second passed away. Please open, oh please open! Maryam prayed unconsciously, as her heart cried revealing to her how much she missed him, how much she still loved him.

She knocked again, waited and knocked again and the tears no longer heeded her mind but started to gush and flow as she stood there looking at the door, his door that even now remained closed to her.

With a shaky sigh, she turned back and tried in vain to stop the tears and her breaking heart from weeping so. Why did she listen to Sophia and come back? Why did she think that today would be different? Different from all those years? Oh how stupid she had been! But if only he had opened…

She turned back to go and leave this house forever, and to never listen to Sophia or any one else again when in her mind came the vague realization that there had been a light in her room. Does that mean he was up there and not in his room? Maryam stopped and looked at the door and this time when she knocked, it echoed throughout downstairs. As there came no response, she turned the knob that clicked open and her heart seemed to stop as Maryam entered inside his room after almost ten years.

Even before she entered, Maryam knew how it would be like and she was not surprised to find that there were only a few changes made in her father’s room. Like her mother’s room, this was neat yet suggested masculinity and compared to it was almost bare from any ornament or decoration except the photograph of Sally upon the wall.

Looking at her mother’s young, pretty image that looked almost like her own, Maryam smiled in joy. The room was empty which means he was upstairs which in turn means he had not rejected her or her knocks.

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