Ch-29 When Ar-Rahman writes the chapter of Romance

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  • Venované Dear Ammi ❤

                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

'Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.'


Dedicated to my Ammi, who wisely said when I started to write that none would read my story if there's no romance in it. Sweet mum of mine, I perfectly agree with you ;P


Chapter Twenty-Nine

When Ar-Rahman writes the chapter of Romance

Minnesota, U.S.A

The girl dropped her backpack on the passenger seat and fastened her seatbelt. She was about to start the car when she heard someone calling her name loudly.

"Jen...Jen, Jennifer!"

Rolling down the window glass, she saw her new friend cum classmate panting with head bowed towards the ground, hands clutching the knees. Lifting up her head, the petite Korean girl gave a goofy smile.

"The ...that was some run!" She gasped, still smiling broadly.

"What's it Hana?" Maryam asked, smiling back amusedly. "Practicing for an upcoming race?"

Hana rolled her eyes. "You forgot to give your number and so I had to come running all the way..."

"Oh." Maryam said, the smile fading away and Hana saw that a look of intense pain passed the dark eyes.

" okay?" She asked softly, coming closer to the car.

Maryam nodded, mentally shaking herself. She had suddenly remembered the time when Humaira had asked the same –her address and number. How long ago everything seemed now...yet not more than a fortnight had passed since the day he had left, taking away her heart and leaving only painfully vivid memories related to him.

"So you sure you'll bring those printouts for me, no probs? If not for these guys charging us outrageous prices..." Hana complained as she saved Maryam's contact details. Her wide smile came back again.

"It's okay. I'll bring them alright, and don't you forget those pics, better mail them to me and Hana, call me Maryam."


"Mm." Maryam nodded, giving a little smile. Then waving to her friend, she started the car and it eased and moved away from the campus of their College of Design  – University of Minnesota.

Hana looked after the fast disappearing car and wondered that now she had Jen's, no –Maryam's number, maybe they would soon become close friends. She truly admired this girl who looked kind of different from others yet was warm and friendly too.

Maryam as she drove away was thankful for the traffic as it kept her distracted from the unwanted thoughts that all these days somehow crept into her mind until she felt like she was again on Costa, near him.

Hana wasn't fabricating when she thought to herself that this girl looked different from others, because it was true. Their classes for the four-year fashion design course had begun yesterday and the moment Maryam had walked inside the room, everybody had openly stared at her. For she was wearing a lilac-pink shirt that reached her knees and the soft pink pants were baggy and didn't accentuate the long legs.

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