Ch-22 Miracles occur, also falling in Love deeper

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

'Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.'


Dedicated to bittersweet02 for her almost accurate prediction of the last chapter! Dear girl, as we seem to think nearly alike, what say to a collab story someday In sha Allah? ;)

Chapter Twenty-Two

Miracles occur, also falling in Love deeper

The magnitude of the fire sharply struck Alex only when he neared the chaotic scene, slightly out of breath with Umar beside him who was panting heavily.

His eyes hastily took in every frantic detail as he vaguely felt Umar pressing close to his side in fear.

The sun overhead was bright and hot no doubt, yet the fire near them appeared brighter and hotter as Alex watched the crew scrambling and cursing while they tried to curb it.

Keeping a tight hold on Umar, Alex moved forward and paused with a shudder upon hearing a woman's awful scream. He felt Umar tremble too and the little hand grasped his own tighter.

They had nearly reached the frightened looking passenger crowd when Umar breaking their clasp, ran forward with an eager shout of "Humair Di!"

Alex saw him stumble and almost fall upon Humaira who instead of being stunned or pushing him away, wrapped her arms around the little boy. Alex did not need to go nearer to realize that she was crying bitterly, her Niqaab covered face buried upon her brother's small chest as he saw her whole body shaking with sobs.

The blood pounding madly in his temples, Alex wrenched his eyes from her with a terrible effort and looked around wondering with a fierce throbbing of his heart who or what had caused her such grief.

It was then that he saw the screaming woman lying nearby and Alex noted her features looking distorted as she cried and clawed people around her with manic eyes.

Only when he saw the ghastly looking tall man feebly trying to soothe her that Alex realized who they were. And sure enough, near the couple stood the white faced nurse whom the little girl had called Susan. But where was the little girl? Where in blazes was Saif? And why was she crying so...?

Alex's thoughts whirled and knowing well that he won't be able to control his actions if he again looked at her, Alex turned his back upon the sobbing Humaira and strode towards the yellow flames and the panting and fagging crew. Taking the heavy hosepipe from an exhausted looking man, Alex directed it towards the fire. The worn man flashed him a grateful smile and was about to move when Alex's yelling inquiry stopped him,

"Aren't all the passengers and crew safe? Why is the woman there screaming like crazy?"

The man gave him a pitiful look shaking his head.

"Everybody got out safe sir. Except that little girl. It was the nurse who forgot her. Seems she was in the washroom when the fire broke and without a second thought to the poor child, she rushed outside with the whole crowd. It was only when that mad lady, the mother asked about the girl that we all realized that she's probably left in there..."

As Alex listened to this with growing horror, the man added with a terrified look at the blackened entrance enveloped by burning fire,

"And the tragedy of it sir, a man went in there to rescue her some minutes before..."

Alex's glance that had followed the man's fearful look made him exclaim with a sick feeling, "In there! Who?!"

But Alex saw that the man was no longer standing beside him.

In Your Love... {Eternal Ishq #1}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu