Ch-7 Unveiling Glamour, through a model's eyes

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

'Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), all his descendents and companions.'


Dedicated to shape6 for the charming words ;)

Chapter Seven

Unveiling Glamour, through a model's eyes

Minnesota, U.S.A.

As if in a dream, from her window above Maryam watched dully as Sufyaan drove away. She and her large bag had been ready for the past half-hour yet she had waited, waited to see him one more time if this was indeed going to be her last day here. There were so many things that she was leaving behind, some silly, a few sentimental and some precious, like her sewing machine, and all her materials. She knew leaving them was temporary, she would collect them as soon as she found a place to stay.

Then with a sigh, she half-carried half-dragged the bag downstairs. Like always, she saw her breakfast upon the table and her heavy heart became more onerous. This was a little something, which had developed between them during these two years. If he left for work first, he would make her breakfast with his own and if she left early, she would make his. Yet the two had never eaten together. The food was left upon the table for the other to eat.

Eating it mechanically, Maryam washed and dried the dishes wondering what she and he would be eating tomorrow. Wiping her hands, she stared at the doors of two closed rooms. The first was her mother's which she had avoided entering since the day Sally had left them forever. Now that she looked at it, Maryam thought it strange that it was closed. For when her mother had been here, the door always stood wide open. It was the other one, his door that had always remained closed. And like every other time when she had looked at it, the pain began afresh in the deep wound that refused to be healed though she had so carefully wrapped it, bounded it and tried to believe that she had got over it.

Tearing her gaze from it, she looked at her mother's door. Thinking that it would be bittersweet to look inside one last time before she left for always, Maryam turned the knob and stepped inside.

Maryam did not know what she had expected but it surely was not the scene that met her eyes. Everything looked just the same, just normal, like it had never been vacant for two years. For not a speck of dust was seen anywhere and her mother's clothes and things were lying in just the way as they used to be when she was here. It looked as if she had just gone out and will be back soon. Maryam felt that maybe she was even here, behind that closed bathroom and the words 'Mom I am going to...' came naturally to her lips. Suppressing them back and the stinging tears, Maryam moved further inside and paused before a small chest of drawers with a long mirror.

A pretty girl with wavy auburn hair looked blankly back at her. Maryam noticed that last night's little sleep had resulted into faint dark circles under her eyes. Her gaze then rested upon a tiny smudge clearly visible on her fair skin. She looked down upon the surface of the drawers for a tissue.

Finding none, she slightly bent and opened the first draw. The contents took her by surprise as a thick layer of dust covered them all making her sneeze. Maryam immediately turned back and again surveyed the room. Yes it was neat and in the order her mom usually kept. Somewhere in her sub conscious mind, she slowly understood that Sufyaan was keeping it like this. Turning her face slightly aside, she pulled open the next drawer. It was in the similar state as the above one's. She opened the other three and found the same result. From clothes to trinkets to cosmetics, all were covered in fine dust. Not wanting to disturb anything, Maryam closed all one by one. She had half closed the last draw when her eye caught her name written upon something.

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