Ch. 40 - Everything Blows Up

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***** Everly's Point of View *****

The next morning Everly woke up in the spare bedroom snuggled against Keaton's naked body and he was lightly shaking her and whispering, "Everly wake up."

"Babe," he whispered. "You've got to go before your Dad finds you in here. I swear that man is already plotting my murder. I don't want to give him another reason."

"What makes you think he's plotting your murder?" she groaned with a stretch.

"Have you seen the way he looks at me?" he laughed. "The guy hates me," he whispered, leaning over and giving her a kiss before smacking her butt and saying, "So you have to go."

She took a breath in and exhaled deeply, then reluctantly rolled out of the bed and put her clothes back on. Afterwards she leaned over and gave him a kiss, whispering, "Last night was amazing by the way," with a smirk on her face before she quietly tiptoed over and blew him a kiss before opening the door just enough to peek out and make sure the coast was clear. She tiptoed down the hall and back to her bedroom, going inside and softly closing the door behind her. She looked at the time and when she saw it was only 6:30 she curled up in bed and went back to sleep.

Two hours later she got up and got ready for the day, brushing her teeth and taking a shower before heading downstairs. When she pushed on the swinging door to go into the kitchen, she was stopped in her tracks by what she saw. Keaton was standing at the counter next to her Mom and he was teaching her something. She didn't want to interrupt so she crossed her arms and leaned against the doorway and just listened.

"Yeah that's it. Put the sugar in first and stir to dissolve it before you add the low-fat milk." 

"What do you think about putting honey in it?" her Mom asked.

"No," he laughed. "You never put honey in your tea unless you want it to be rubbish."

Everly cleared her throat and Keaton turned his head and smiled when he saw her. "Hey babe. I taught your Mom how to make authentic English tea. She didn't do half bad for her first time."

"I heard. You should take notes Mom. He makes amazing tea."

"No. I would say compared to other Brits my tea is quite average. Everyone in England knows how to make a proper cup of tea. I love you Americans but you can't make tea for shit," he laughed.

Everly walked forward and smacked his arm and laughed as she picked up one of the cups of tea and took a sip.

"Good job Mom. I think you're getting the hang of it. That's absolutely delicious," she smiled.

Everly's Dad walked in and said, "Good morning" to Maggie and gave her a kiss and then gave Everly a hug and a kiss on the forehead and didn't say a word to Keaton as he walked past him. 

"Hey Austin," Keaton called out before he left the room. "I was wondering if you would go for a drive with me so we can talk?"

Austin hesitated, looking back and forth between his wife and daughter for a second before saying, "Ummm. Sure." 

Everly gave Keaton a curious look as he walked past her and followed her Dad outside. She heard the back door close and then her Mom asked, "What's that about?"

"I have no idea," Everly said, watching out the kitchen window as Keaton and her Dad climbed into her Dad's truck and pulled out of the driveway. 

"I know Keaton thinks Dad doesn't like him." 

Her Mom laughed. "Yeah he hasn't been too subtle has he?" 

"Not at all," Everly laughed. 

She wondered what Keaton wanted to talk to him about and she was worried there might be a huge blowout with those two being alone. Her Dad was known for having a bad temper, especially when he was coaching baseball. A few water bottles had been thrown at refs and a couple bats broken over his knee through the years.

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