Ch. 14 - Keaton Finally Opens Up

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"He's gone. You can stop now," Everly said, pushing Keaton away. "Oh umm, that reminds me. Brad's playing in his first game with the NYU baseball team tomorrow and I have to be there to cover it for the school newspaper. I have to interview him."

"Why?" Keaton asked, scrunching his eyebrows.

"Because they're making a big deal about it since he's the top ranked college baseball player in the world right now. Plus his high school team won the National Championship and he broke a bunch of records and a couple videos of him playing went viral. In the baseball world he's pretty famous, so the paper wants me to do a big write up all about it."

"And YOU have to be the one to interview him? Really?" Keaton asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately. I begged my boss to assign it to someone else since Brad's my ex, but he wouldn't budge because no one else at the paper knows a fraction of what I do about baseball. Plus he said the fact that I know Brad personally will give a more personal touch to the article. So," she said, letting out a sigh. "It looks like I'm stuck with it."

Then an idea hit her. "Hey! Do you want to come to the game with me? I really don't feel like going by myself."

"You want ME to come watch BRAD's baseball game with you? Ha!" Keaton laughed, smacking his knee and doubling over like she had just said the most hilarious thing ever. "Ooooh. That's funny. Unfortunately I'm busy doing literally anything else at that time. Such a shame," he said sarcastically.

She gave him the side eye. "Fine smart alec. I can take a hint. I'll ask Monroe to go with me."

Keaton nodded. "Yeah. I think that would be a good idea."

That night Everly walked over to Keaton's dorm room to work on their assignment for English Lit but she couldn't help but feel a knot in her stomach

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That night Everly walked over to Keaton's dorm room to work on their assignment for English Lit but she couldn't help but feel a knot in her stomach. She had promised to give him one more kiss tonight before they would become just friends, but she had a feeling he didn't plan to keep his word on it being the last time, gentleman or not.

She knocked on his door and he opened it wearing a really nice, expensive suit, looking like he just walked out of a magazine cover. He looked so good that she was stunned for a second.

"Ummm. Did I miss something? Are we going to the prom?" she asked with a laugh.

"No. Sorry, I just got back from a work meeting in Manhattan with my Dad and haven't had a chance to change yet. Come on in," he said, stepping back and opening the door for her. As she walked past to come inside she was hit with the smell of his cologne and it made her stomach clench up. That smell always brought back vivid memories of the day they met.

She walked inside and sat down on his bed and he proceeded to take off his suit jacket and loosen his tie, pulling it up over his head and throwing it onto a nearby chair. He unbuttoned a couple buttons at the top of his white dress shirt and took off his cuff links, rolling his sleeves up.

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