Ch. 67 - Epilogue

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It took a while to get used to living in the mansion because it reminded Everly too much of Keaton's Dad, but it felt more like home after they redecorated it to make it their own. They made it look modern while still respecting the old woodwork and history of the house. After they started trying for a baby, they decided to make the room next to their bedroom a nursery.

Only a month and a half after they got back from their trip to Paris they found out Everly was pregnant and they ended up having a beautiful, little boy they named Emerson. He had big blue eyes and sandy blonde hair and was the spitting image of his Daddy. Keaton was so excited to be a Dad, because he said he wanted to be the Dad he always wished he had had.

Then ten months after Emerson was born they had a baby girl they named Diane after his Mom. Diane ended up having brown hair like Everly but blue eyes like her Dad. She looked like a mixture of both her parents. They had another little girl after Diane that they named Paige and a year after that they had another little boy and named him Easton. Keaton teased that they should have ten kids so that they could have their own rugby team, but she was satisfied with the four.

Keaton flew her family out every time they had a new baby because he knew it was really important to her that they be there for important moments like that. He also made it a tradition to fly her parents and brother to London to spend Christmas with them at their house.
Everly always lit up the outside and decorated it for Christmas and it felt really special.

Her family loved London at Christmas just as much as Everly had that first time. They always went to the Christmas market, rode the London Eye and watched the Nutcracker together every year.

Everly and Keaton flew back to the United States to visit her family a few times throughout the year, and always spent Thanksgiving with them. Brad and his family weren't invited over to eat with them anymore, because Everly told her parents it would be too awkward. Her Dad and brother protested at first but eventually got over it when they realized she wouldn't cave on it.

Her whole family eventually learned to love Keaton, even her Dad. Even though he still loved Brad like a son, even he agreed that Everly had made the right choice when he saw how happy she was.

Everly and Keaton also spent a lot of time in New York City because he had to make sure the New York operations of his company were running smoothly and she had to check in on her art gallery from time to time. She hired people that she trusted to run it, but she still liked to stay involved as much as she could.

Keaton had kept the apartment he had bought to be their first place together, before she ran off and left him at the altar. It was beautiful and modern, right in the heart of downtown Manhattan, overlooking Central Park. That was where they stayed when they were in New York.

Everly also opened up a second art gallery in London. Both galleries became extremely popular and when she would have an auction or exhibit there would be a line outside down the sidewalk waiting to get in. Instead of having a set price on her artwork they made it an auction house where people could bid and the highest bidder would get it. Her paintings and drawings started to regularly sell for $50,000 to $100,000 each, sometimes more.

She also created her own art studio in their house so she could paint and draw as much as she wanted without having to be away from her family too much. Inside her art studio she set up a little table in the corner for her kids to create their own artwork so she could work and not have to miss out on time with them. They actually inspired her artwork to be even better.

Her art became very well known and was on the cover of magazines and was eventually put on display in different art museums throughout the world. She became a very well respected artist so NYU had her come speak to their Art majors from time to time as inspiration of what they could achieve one day. Her galleries also held auctions once a month for an unknown artist to sell their work that she thought deserved exposure. She helped promote their work and she loved paying it forward and helping other artists become famous and well known.

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