Ch. 49 - Spending Time with Cami

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***** Keaton's Point of View *****

"Your friends seem nice, I think. I'm not really sure. I can't understand most of what they say," Everly laughed. "It's so crazy that we speak the same language, but it can still be so different."

"Yeah, they're a bunch of wankers," Keaton laughed, shaking his head with a smile. 

Everly got a sad, far off look on her face and said, "I can tell you guys are really close. Me and Brad and Amber used to be like that. We had a big group of neighbor kids we hung out with growing up and we were all really close. I miss that."  

She cuddled up against Keaton in the booth and he put his arm around her, kissing the top of her head.

When the food came Everly loved the Shepard's Pie and the fish and chips just like he knew she would. 

"It's so different than anything I've ever eaten before, but it's absolutely delicious. Even the pint of beer tastes good and normally I hate beer," she said with a smile.

After lunch they went back to his house and as they pulled up in the driveway he noticed Cami sitting on the front step waiting on them. Keaton pulled the car into the garage and then took Everly's hand, walking towards the front door.

Cami stood up and said, "Hey. I heard about your fight with your Dad. Are you okay?" she asked Keaton, reaching out and squeezing his arm, looking genuinely concerned.

"Hey Ev. Can I have a minute to talk to Cami?" 

Everly looked back and forth between him and Cami looking kind of concerned before she finally nodded and said "Okay."

"I'll be up there in a minute," he told her as she looked back at him, hesitating before going inside.

Keaton stuffed his hands in his pockets and took a deep breath in and let it out, looking at the ground. "I asked Everly to leave because I don't want her knowing about what he said, so let's just keep that between us." 

"Okay," Cami nodded. 

"I expected him to get mad about our engagement but not to disinherit me from his will over it. I can't believe he really thought I would choose his money over Everly." 

 "He probably thought that because that's what he would've done," Cami scoffed, rolling her eyes. 

"Yeah well I'm not like him," Keaton said, kicking at the pebbles on the sidewalk. 

"Yes and believe me. We're all very thankful for that," Cami laughed. "So, do you and Everly have plans tonight? I'd like to hang out with her and get to know her better." 

"Actually Henry invited us over to his house. He's having a party. Why don't you just come with us?" Keaton suggested.

"Sure. I'd love to. My parents are driving me mental. Getting out of that house for a while would be brilliant. What time are we leaving?"

"We're going to take a kip for a bit because this jet lag is kicking our asses. I'll just text you when we wake up. You can ride over there with us," Keaton told her.

"That sounds good. Get some sleep, but you two better be ready to get sloshed and party your asses off when you wake up," Cami said with a smile and a wink, bumping her hip against Keaton's before turning and dancing away towards her house across the street, shaking her hips with her arms swaying back and forth.

Keaton laughed and shook his head with a smile. "She really is mental," he said under his breath, turning and going inside.

Keaton went upstairs to his bedroom where Everly was waiting for him. She looked a little worried. 

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