Ch. 48 - Keaton & Rowan Fight

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***** Keaton's Point of View *****

His Dad was standing there looking at Keaton in shock, glancing at Everly and then back at his son, blinking in disbelief.

Then he cleared his throat and looked around at his family that was seated at the table and said, "Everyone, please go ahead and start eating. Keaton. Come with me," he ordered, glaring at him before turning and walking away.

Keaton stood up and buttoned his suit jacket before leaning down and giving Everly a kiss. Then he turned and followed his Dad down the long hallway and into his dimly lit office. It was surrounded by wood paneling and bookcases with floor to ceiling books and an antique light fixture hanging from the ceiling that gave off a golden glow. There was a small fire burning in the fireplace surrounded by high-back chairs and an ancient woven rug.

Rowan closed the door and walked over behind his large, ornately carved wooden desk and took a seat in his leather executive chair, getting a cigar out of his cedar box and cutting the end off and lighting it.

"Son, take a seat," he said, motioning to the upholstered dark leather seats across from his desk.

"It's Christmas dinner Dad. Can't this wait?" Keaton asked, sitting down.

His Dad leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk and taking a puff off of his cigar, looking at him with an intimidating stare. Everyone else in the world might be intimidated by him, but Keaton wasn't.

"Son, you can't be serious about marrying that girl. She's an American of the worst sort. You two have absolutely nothing in common," he said, looking him directly in the eyes without blinking.

"Actually, I'm very serious," Keaton said firmly. "We've started making the arrangements and I've already booked a church for us in June."

"June?" his Dad shouted loudly. He did the math in his head and said, "Bloody hell Keaton! That's in six months!"

"I know. I'm ready for Everly to be my wife and for us to get a place of our own and start our lives together. I don't have a doubt in my mind that she's the one, so what's the point in waiting?"

"Keaton," his Dad said sternly. "Think this through. You've only been dating her for five months. You hardly even know this woman, and you're only nineteen. Why rush into it?"

Keaton scoffed. "Really? YOU'RE going to lecture ME on rushing into marriage?" he laughed. "One time you married a woman you had only known for a month. By the time June comes around Everly and I will have been together for eleven months."

"This isn't about me!" Rowan yelled. "Are you looking to repeat my mistakes?"

"Of course not. That's why I'm marrying someone that loves me and not my money."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Rowan scoffed. His Dad took a puff off of his cigar and exhaled, blowing a line of smoke up into the air as he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "Fine. Marry the poor American then if you must, but don't be surprised when it doesn't last. At least with a pre-nup your stupid choice can't do too much damage, other than the embarrassment it'll cause the family."

Keaton sat back in his chair and crossed his arms. "I don't want a pre-nup," he said firmly.

His Dad coughed a few times and his eyes widened as he sat up in his seat and leaned forward, looking at Keaton with raised eyebrows in disbelief.

"What do you mean you don't want a pre-nup? Are you joking? Is there a hidden camera somewhere?" Rowan asked, looking around.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Keaton asked with a straight face with his arms still crossed.

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