Ch. 25 - Important Conversations

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Keaton looked away and laughed for a second, like it was ridiculous. Then he turned his head back to face Everly, looking into her eyes and hesitating. 

He dropped his head and looked down at his hands with a smile. "I can't even believe I'm saying this, but I'm thinking about things like getting married one day and having kids. Two things I always swore I'd never do. I don't know what the hell's wrong with me." 

She felt butterflies in her stomach and she looked at his face, studying it in silence. 

"Does that scare you?" she asked softly. "The thought of marriage and kids?"

He looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath in and let it out before looking over into her eyes. He hesitated for a couple seconds before saying quietly, "With you? ........ No."

Hearing that sent a shiver over her skin and goosebumps popped up on her arm. 

 "Does that freak you out?" he asked. "To hear me talk like that? I know we haven't known each other that long." 

She laid there and thought about it. Her and Brad had had so many conversations over the years about how they were going to get married and have babies together one day. She had always pictured her future being with him, but now all that had changed. She couldn't even imagine being married to him any more. 

She snuggled deeper into Keaton's chest and pictured for the first time being his wife and having his babies instead and just the thought of it made her feel warm inside. 

"No, surprisingly it doesn't scare me at all," she said softly, smiling up at him and looking into his eyes. 

Keaton ran his fingers lightly up and down over her arm. "I know my Dad thinks we haven't known each other long enough to really be in love, but I know how I feel." He hesitated before adding, "The truth is, I've never felt this way before." 

Everly took a deep breath in and let it out. "Honestly, I haven't either," she said softly. "I thought I was in love with Brad when we were together, but now that I've fallen in love with you and experienced what love really feels like, I realize I wasn't in love with him. You make me feel things I've never felt before."   

They laid there in each other's arms in silence for a while before they finally got up and got dressed, unlocking the door and removing the ribbon. He spent the rest of the day hanging out with her at her dorm. They finished their English Lit assignment and then went downstairs and he talked to her while she washed her laundry. She was shocked to find out he had never done laundry before, so she decided to teach him and surprisingly, he was actually willing to learn. They had a few laughs along the way though because he had no idea what he was doing.

Being with him felt so natural, like he was meant to be there, and even if they were just hanging out doing boring things around the dorm, he made them fun. As she was teaching him how to fold towels she looked over into his blue eyes and smiled, feeling her heart melt. She was in love with Keaton Ashcroft and she was starting to picture a future with him. The crazy thing was, this man who had more commitment issues than anyone she had ever met in her life, was actually starting to picture a future with her too. 

***** Three Weeks later *****

It was finally the day of Brad's visit with the New York Yankees and Everly was so excited to meet the players and the coach, she could hardly contain herself. She wanted to look nice because she was going to take pictures with them to show her family. Her Dad and brother freaked out and were really jealous when they found out her and Brad were meeting the Yankees and she promised to take lots of pictures.

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