Ch. 23 - Shower Conversation

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Everly woke up in the morning to the bright light coming in through the window blinds that had accidentally been left open. She blinked against the light, rubbing her eyes and slowly sitting up.

She lifted her arms above her head and stretched with a groan, looking over and seeing Monroe half naked with a half naked man twisted up in her arms. They were both snoring and out cold and the smell of whiskey filled the air.

Everly couldn't help but laugh to herself. She slowly stood up, grabbing her bathrobe and pulling it on over her pajamas, putting her feet in her slippers and grabbing her shower caddy. She headed down the long hall to the bathroom and stood in front of the white porcelain sink and looked at her tired, hungover reflection with hair sticking out of her messy bun everywhere. She let out a sigh and shook her head. She was looking rough.

She brushed her teeth before getting in the shower and turning the water up hot enough so there was steam climbing up the walls around her. She closed her eyes and stepped forward, letting the spray hit her face and run over her scalp.

Being in this shower stall reminded her of her shower with Keaton and she couldn't help but smile, thinking about what he said to those people walking by that day. It still made her laugh. That shower was one of the craziest things she had ever done. Keaton brought out a side of her that she hadn't even known she had.

She wondered what he was doing right now. He was probably still in the business meeting he had this morning. If he hadn't had that stupid meeting he probably would've been in the shower with her right now, completely naked and making her hold in her moans while he ravaged her. Just the thought of it made her have butterflies and she smiled, feeling tempted to text him right now to find out when he was coming over.

Unfortunately her thoughts were interrupted. "Everly are you in here?" she heard a deep man's voice say and she would know that voice anywhere."Ummm. Yeah Brad. I'm here in the shower," she answered. "What's up?" 

"I have baseball practice here in a bit but I wanted to stop by and tell you some good news in person." 

"Is it about the Yankees inviting you to training camp? I already know. That's actually why I called you last night, to congratulate you. I saw it on the news."

"Aww. Man, I was hoping I'd catch you before you saw it somewhere else," he laughed. "I wanted to see your reaction."

She stuck her head out of the shower curtain and said, "It was something like this," and she gave him the most exaggerated shocked face ever and then went back inside the shower. 

He laughed and said, "I figured that's what it was. They actually want to talk to me about trying out in the future too." 

"Seriously? I can't believe you're really going to a training camp with the Yankees and talking to them about a try out. I can't even tell you how freakin' proud of you I am," she said as she washed her body off. "I've watched you work so hard for it all these years so it's nice to see your dream coming true."

Even after everything that happened between them she couldn't help but be excited for him. Babe Ruth, the legend, the best baseball player of all time had played for the Yankees and he was always Brad's idol and role model. It was weird to hear people comparing Brad to him now.

"Thanks," he said, with an exhale. "I can't wait. I'm gonna get to meet all the Yankees players and the coach and get a VIP tour of the locker rooms and practice with the team."

"Really? Damn. I'm jealous," she laughed, as she started washing her hair. "I hope you have a good time."

Everly was a huge baseball fan, because she grew up with it, watching games with her Dad and Grandpa before she could even walk. Her Grandpa, Dad, brother and Brad all played and she was always around it. The thought of getting to meet all the Yankee players and touring their locker room would be like a dream come true.

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