Ch. 16 - The Shower

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"Ok, you can turn around now," Everly said and Keaton turned to face her, taking in the sight of her half-naked body wrapped in a small towel, with the crease of her cleavage showing and most of her legs exposed. Her face flushed because she was self conscious, standing in front of this man that had probably dated perfect looking supermodels back in London.

"I guess it's my turn then," he said as he grabbed his running shorts and boxer briefs, pulling them down without any hesitation, but she looked away quickly. She had never seen a naked man before in real life and even though she was curious, she was too nervous to look. 

She pulled her towel a little tighter, letting out the breath she had been holding in and biting into her bottom lip as she looked down at the ground and tucked some hair behind her ear. Keaton was so intimidating and now that she had some time to second guess her decision, the thought of taking a shower with him was making her really nervous.

"Ready?" he asked and she lifted her head to see that he now had a white towel wrapped low around his hips.

Her eyes widened at the sight of his rippled abs and she swallowed hard and slowly nodded.

"Okay, then let's go," he told her, grabbing her hand and leading the way out into the hallway before she had a chance to protest. She felt self-conscious and embarrassed about walking through the hall of his dorm with them both only wearing towels, but it was also thrilling and exciting and gave her a rush of adrenaline. She looked over and her eyes locked onto his and he gave her a flirty smile that made her blush as she smiled back, getting butterflies from the thought of taking a shower with him.  

He was so gorgeous. How was she going to be able to shower with him naked and not break her rule about no sex without a commitment? She was normally so stubborn and unrelenting when she set her mind to something, but she was close to her breaking point. She was going to have to be really strong to resist him.

As they went down the hall, they passed by the two girls coming out of the elevator that she had overheard that one time whispering about how hot Keaton was. 

The girls watched open-mouthed, looking stunned and standing like statues, taking in the sight of Keaton and Everly passing by in their towels and she held in her laugh as she looked over at him and he smiled and gave her a wink.

The co-ed bathroom was pretty large, with about twenty shower stalls that had tile walls on three sides that went all the way to the ceiling and a large shower curtain that came all the way to the floor, offering some privacy.

Everly was happy that they wouldn't be able to be seen at all once they were in the shower. He led her to the stall furthest away, in the part of the room that curved around and felt blocked off from the rest.

"Almost no one uses this side," he informed her, leading her into a shower and pulling the curtain closed.

He reached down and slipped his towel off and hung it on the hook right outside the stall. 

Standing a few inches away from him, with him completely naked now made her heart pound faster. She hesitantly untucked the top of her towel and very slowly unwrapped it from around herself, until she was standing there naked too. She couldn't believe she was really doing this. She had never been so nervous in her life. 

He reached out and took the towel from her hands, hanging it outside the shower for her. She crossed her arms over her chest, covering her breasts and looking away, feeling so exposed and self conscious. 

Keaton looked down at her and noticed how she was standing. "You have such a beautiful body Everly. I don't know why you're so shy about it. I swear, you Americans are so uptight about everything."

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