Ch. 54 - Telling Brad

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"It was my Dad wasn't it?" Keaton asked. 

Cami looked over at him and let out an exhale. "I should've known you'd guess it. You've always been too smart for your own good."

She hung her head and said, "Rowan had me convinced Everly was after your money and that she was trying to trick you into a marriage without a prenup. He said we had to prove to you that she was a gold digger before you made the biggest mistake of your life. After you and him got into that fight on Christmas Day and you left, he brought me into his office and we had a long talk all about it. I could tell how upset he was, so I promised to help him and then when I found out about the party at Henry's house, I came up with the whole plan. I knew if she really was a gold digger, Henry would be the perfect bait. He's really good looking and his power and money would be too tempting to resist."

She looked over at him and said, "I'm really sorry Keaton, "reaching her hand over and laying it on top of his. "I shouldn't have come up with this plan and talked Henry into it, but we were doing it because we both care about you so much. I hope you know that."

"Yeah," he said, taking a deep breath in and letting out an exhale, nodding his head. "You may have done the wrong thing, but your hearts were in the right place. You two really are good friends." 

"When I told your Dad that my plan for Henry to seduce Everly failed, he went irate and I could hear something crashing in the background through the phone. He really is hellbent on stopping your wedding. He told me about how he threatened to cut you out of his will if you went through with it. Are you really willing to give everything up for her?" 

Keaton nodded and said, "Yeah, if I didn't have her, none of that would mean anything to me. I would be rich and miserable like my Dad. I'm not going to let his temper tantrum ruin what I have with Everly. I'm going to marry her in June and my Dad won't be invited. I'm not even going to tell him when or where it is because I'm sure he'd show up and try to stop us. I want you and Henry there though." 

"Even after what we did?" she asked, looking down with guilt on her face.

"Yes, even after all that," he smiled. "I could never get married without my two best mates by my side. I'll explain everything to Everly so she'll understand." 

Cami leaned over and gave him a hug, holding him for a second before pulling back and looking into his eyes. "We'll be there," she said with a smile.

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***** Everly's Point of View *****

On the long flight back to New York Keaton explained everything to Everly, about what his Dad had done and his conversations with Henry and Cami.

"Of course you can invite them to the wedding. I understand why they did what they did. They're really good friends to do something like that for you Keaton."

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