Ch. 60 - A Selfless Act

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Everly stood there and thought about what Rowan was saying and a memory flashed through her mind from her English Lit class. She was reminded of the assignment they had to do about the difference between love and lust. True love isn't selfish. If you're really in love, you'll sacrifice your own happiness for theirs, because you're only happy when they are.

How would she be able to live with herself if she cost Keaton his inheritance, his future and his relationship with his Dad? He would be miserable. She couldn't put him through all of that just so she could be with him. She couldn't be that selfish. As she realized what she had to do, her heart ached and tears filled her eyes as she hung her head. It started to get harder to breathe and her bottom lip quivered as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Rowan held out a small briefcase and said, "Inside this case is a million dollars cash and the deed to an art gallery I own in downtown Manhattan. This is yours if you walk away from this wedding, and cut off all communication with Keaton. There's a car waiting right outside that door to take you directly to the airport so you can fly back to Illinois. You won't even have to talk to anyone."

She shook her head saying, "No, I don't want your money or your art gallery," as another tear escaped down her cheek. She sniffled, and with a trembling voice said, "If I do this, it'll be because it's what's best for Keaton. Not me," as she wiped her tears away. She lifted her head and looked up at Rowan, thinking. "But what would I tell him? If I leave, it would break his heart. I can't do that to him."

"You won't have to tell him anything. I'll just tell him you realized you weren't ready for all this. You realized you were too young and things were moving way too fast, that you didn't want to move to London and give up your dream of owning an art gallery in New York. I'll break it to him easy."

She sniffled and asked, "Do you promise?"

Rowan gave her a soft smile and said, "I promise Everly," putting the small briefcase into her hand. "I know you don't want this, but don't be so proud. I'm taking away your future with Keaton so I wouldn't feel right if I didn't make sure you would be taken care of. If you don't take it, I'll just have a million dollars transferred into your bank account. Trust me, I can do that. And I've already had the deed to the art gallery transferred to your name so it's too late. It's yours. Just take it."

She reluctantly took the briefcase from him and he led her towards a door on the side of the church and opened it. There was a limo out there waiting for her and Rowan opened the back door of it and she slowly sat down in the seat. She couldn't believe this was really happening.

She looked up at Rowan as he held the door handle and gave her a soft smile and said, "You're doing the right thing. Now all your dreams are going to come true and so will Keaton's."

As the door shut and the car started to pull away she felt her heart breaking. Even though she knew she was doing the right thing for Keaton, she felt completely crushed and she buried her face in her hands and sobbed.

***** Keaton's Point of View *****

Keaton stood there in front of the crowded church that was full of all his friends and family. Everly's side of the church was more full than he expected. All of her extended family had shown up. He looked to his left at Henry and he gave him a head nod and a smile and Brad was standing beside Henry looking less than happy. The wedding march started to play and Keaton turned back to look down the aisle at the double doors at the end of it that were opening slowly.

He expected to see Everly standing there in a beautiful gown but instead it was his Dad walking in and Keaton's heart dropped. What the hell was he doing here?

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