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It was almost 5 pm when I finished my blog and closed my laptop.  I had yet to unpack everything inside my small bag and knew that I would have to take a shopping trip sooner or later.  I began putting some of my clothes in the closet when my phone rang.  My best friend, Hana's caller ID was displayed.

"Hey Hana, what's up?"

"Ara it's a Saturday night, you, me, and Felix need to do something together."

Hana, Felix, and I have met in high school and we've grown closer and closer since. Although they were my only two friends, those two were all I needed to stay happy.

"Yes of course, what do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Maybe just walk around the city? It's been awhile since we've done that."

"Sounds good!  We can go in a half hour?"

"Yep! I'll pick you up then," Hana said, clearly excited.

"Wait!" I suddenly remembered that Hana would have to pick me up from this apartment.  And that meant telling her everything that happened over the last 24 hours.  "So I may have um, moved out?"

"GIRL WHAT?!" Hana screamed through the phone.  "When the fuck were you going to tell me this?  Screw the city, I'm visiting your apartment right now and you need to tell me a who what when where why and how.  Send me the address."

Knowing there was no going around this, I sent my address to Hana.  "Okay, sent.  Did you get it?"

"Got it, on my way right now.  I'm bringing Felix, by the way." Hana stated.  "Okay I'll see you in a few, love ya, bye!"

"Bye Hana!" With that, I ended the call.  What just happened?  Knowing that I should warn Jisung about my visitors, I went over to his room, lightly knocking on the door.

"Come in."

I quickly walked in where I saw Jisung crouched over on his desk.  He seemed to have been in deep concentration as he slowly rubbed his temples and let out a defeated sigh.  "What are you up to?" I asked him.

"Writers block, I guess," Jisung replied, sitting on his bed.  "I can't seem to come up with the right lyrics.  But what's up?"

"Oh so I just wanted to let you know that my two friends Hana and Felix are coming over, if that's okay with you.  If not, I can totally ask them to meet up somewhere else, it's no prob-"

"Ara, it's fine, they can come," he chuckled.  "This is technically your house too."

"Right, true," I agreed.  Suddenly, the doorbell rang out and I ran to answer it, knowing it would be Hana and Felix.

"Hey guys!" I greeted before closing the door behind them.

"Woah your place is so cool!" Felix exclaimed, looking around the entire area.

"Oh uh thank you, I guess," I shyly responded.

"Yeah, love the home decor!" Hana squealed.

"That credit," A voice from the hallway began.  "would go to me."  Jisung appeared from his room, leaning against the wall, hands stuffed into his pockets.

Hana's mouth dropped open and I had to hit her chin to close it back up.  She then darted her head from myself to Jisung, back and forth.

"What the fuck...?" she trailed off, hoping for an explanation.

"We're roommates," I explained.  "It's a long story so I recommend the two of you sit down."

Hana and Felix did as they were told and eagerly waited for me start talking.  I looked back to see if Jisung was still there, but he went back into his room.  I then retold everything I told to Jisung about my mom, me leaving the house out of anger, and how exactly I ended up here.  Naturally, I was bombarded with questions.

"Wait so you're going to be living with a complete stranger for an entire month?" Felix asked, mouth agape.

"Yes, Felix.  And he's not a complete stranger.  We talked and he's actually pretty nice, aside from the ego and all."

"Damn Ara out here snatching up hot roommates to live with while I'm still here living with this douchebag," Hana said, pointing to Felix.

"Hey!  That's not how you treat your best friend!" Felix exclaimed.

"Actually Felix," I started, throwing an arm around Hana.  "She's my best friend.  So fuck off."

"Wow I'm really feeling the love guys," Felix said, clutching his heart.  "But in all seriousness, I'm glad you're starting to grow less dependent on your parents.  It'll be a good change.  And a very fun one."

"I second that," Hana agreed.  "Now we don't have to sneak you in and out of the home."

Just then, doorbell rang again.  I looked over at my friends with a confused face before walking up to answer it.  As soon as I opened it, a man began yelling.

"Okay Jisung who is this hot girl you were talk-" the man stopped as soon as he realized he was talking to me.  

I could see his cheeks redden in embarrassment but also his confused facial expressions.

"I've never seen you before.  And what the fuck are you doing in Jisung's apartment?  And who are they?" the mystery man asked, pointing to Hana and Felix.

"Calm down my dude, I'm assuming Jisung didn't tell you so I guess I will.  I'm his new roommate."

"Minho!" Jisung said behind me, making his way over to him.  "Lemme explain the whole situation to everyone, alright?"

"Yeah, you better," Minho said, still confused as to what exactly was going on.  We all gathered around in the living room.

"Oh and by the way, you said Jisung was talking about a hot girl?" I asked Minho, unable to contain my laughter.

Jisung's face turned a bright red and his eyes sent daggers towards Minho's direction.  "Minho what did you tell her?"

"Nothing Jisung, don't worry," Minho responded before quickly changing the topic. "So are you going to explain to me this whole situation or no?"

Roommates || han jisung ✓Where stories live. Discover now