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"Hey, sorry am I disturbing you? I can leave if you want," Jisung said, pointing to the door.

"No no, it's okay you can stay," I reassured him as he walked over next to me, placing his arms on the balcony railing.

"I just needed a breather from being in the crowded apartment," I said.

"Me too.  No matter how much I love all of them, I needed my own space.  How are the guys treating you though?"

"Oh don't worry about them, they're all super nice.  You have a good group of friends."

"Yeah, although they can be pretty crazy sometimes," Jisung chuckled.


"You adjusting okay?" he asked, clearly worried about me.

"Better than I expected," I shyly admitted.  Getting to know Jisung and his friends has been amazing and I didn't know how much I needed more interaction with other people.

"That's good," Jisung beamed as he met my eyes.  We stood there like that for a few seconds, not breaking eye contact.  The moonlight shone down on his black hair, making some strands appear a shiny silver color.  I could see his eyes sparkle and for the first time, I took a moment to actually observe him.

Even though I knew he was handsome from the start, there was a certain charm and charisma that was evident after I had gotten to know him.  It was as if getting to know his personality lit up his figure, completing the puzzle.  It just made him look even more attractive.  Every time he smiled or puffed out his cheeks, my heart melted.   I knew deep inside that I was falling for him at an alarming rate.

"You know it's not good to stare, right?" Jisung said, breaking the silence.  Even in the darkness, I could see his smirk.

"Oh shut up, I know you were staring too," I said.

"So you admitted to staring at me?"

Well shit.

"I um, what?" I mumbled.  "Let's go back inside, the pizza is probably here."

"So you were staring!" Jisung laughed, trying to block me from getting inside.

My face was becoming redder than a tomato as I tried to move past him.  "Shut up," I whined.

"Cute," he responded, a goofy smile spread across his face.

"You are so hard to put up with," I groaned, pushing him aside, making my way to the door.

"That's what makes it fun, angel," Jisung whispered, low and slightly dangerous.

My heart skipped a beat after hearing his sentence but I made every effort to not show it.  Instead, I ducked my head and slipped back into the apartment.  I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks, making them a deep shade of pink.

"There you are Ara!  Pizza's ready!" Hana said happily.  She then noticed my flushed cheeks.  "Wait what exactly were you doing on the balcony?  More importantly, who were you with?"

Hana didn't need me to answer her questions because Jisung emerged from outside a second later.  She then looked at me and gasped.  "Seriously Ara?  You and Jisung?"

"Shut your mouth," I hushed.  "Nothing happened, calm the fuck down.  We just needed some fresh air."

"Mhm, sure," Hana replied suggestively.  I simply brushed her off and made my way to the table to get pizza.

"Guys, let's watch a movie!" Jeongin suggested, turning on the TV to browse the options.

"Good idea! Let's watch The Quiet Place!" Minho shouted, grabbing the TV remote from Jeongin to play the movie.

Roommates || han jisung ✓Where stories live. Discover now