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his practiced entrance was swift and unnoticed.

shiloh made sure to be quick when opening the front door; he had to in order not to attract any possible attention from the creaky hinges that squealed every single time one entered. the highschooler clutched his books to his chest, his greyish blue eyes falling on the unkept collection of beer and liquor bottles all over the couch in front of the tv, immediately filling the teen's cautious demeanor with fear. shiloh, who knew all too well what happened when those beer bottles were present, quickly made his way to his room and shut the door but not before making sure to lock the door.

the sixteen year old let out a small exhale of relief as he sat down his messenger bag, his exhaustion from the day wearing heavily on his small shoulders. shiloh began to undress, slipping out of his jeans when his heart dropped at the sound of his doorknob audibly being turned in a crazed manner. the brunette somewhat distanced himself from his door, grimacing as he closed his eyes when his door began to rattle with the rough bangs thrown against it by his father's fist, increasingly getting more aggressive as he tried to find a way to open the door.

"it's gonna be okay. he can't get you." shiloh whispered to himself, his slender, skinny hands trembling as he changed into a pair of dark and green flannel pants. he continued to ignore the violent bangs as he sat down on his bed with his books, opening up his book to his homework assignment until they finally ceased.

along the way of completing his honor's mathematics assignment, shiloh easily came to the conclusion that tonight would not be safe to exit his small room, which meant no eating that night.

i don't need it anyways, shiloh thought to himself as he continued to scribble neat math equations down on a piece of graph paper that were undoubtedly all correct. though the boy tried to stay vigilant with his studies so he could complete them quickly, he could not beat the urge to slump due to the long practice he had just attended and directed. the pretty boy was about to succumb to his heavy lids and give into sleep when he heard knocking on his window, startling the scholar who jumped at the sudden noise before he let out a deep exhale followed by a smile as he walked over to his window.

why is his timing always so horrible..? i just wanna be alone right now. is that too much to ask for.. actually, is it?

"you scared me." the sixteen year old told his boyfriend as he lifted up his window, careful not to mess up the purple fairy lights strewn above it as ryan slipped through it. he immediately greeted the brunette with a kiss much too rough for shiloh's taste, who's smile immediately dimmed as the football player tossed himself on shiloh's neatly made bed with a deep groan.

"oh?" ryan smirked as he laid carelessly upon the boys purple comforter. "oopsies."
"don't be so loud please, my dad's already mad at me." shiloh whispered, his voice trembling lightly- and to any other person it would signal something was obviously not right.. but of course he was not focused on that.

"whatever. you're such a goody two-shoes," his boyfriend reprimanded him as shiloh sat next to him on the bed, watching in silence as he took pictures of his homework and the answers he had worked hard to complete without permission. "it's cool if i get the answers from you, right?"

"thanks babe," ryan sneered arrogantly before he pulled the younger closer to him, who was highly aware of the hands around his small, curved waist that made him vividly uncomfortable. "yo-"
"you should stop bullying people," shiloh suggested, his large eyes twinkling as he looked over at his boyfriend who immediately tutted in disbelief. "it's not good for you or others."

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