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the boy stopped immediately, his heart dropping as he frantically close the door behind him.

at first, he didn't even know how to react as his heartbeat slowly began to rise with a deep dread that filled his lungs, making it a burden on shiloh to breathe as he sunk to the floor, trying to make sense of the picture he saw.

HUGE TW!!! PLEASE DO NOT READ IF U ARE TRIGGERED BY MENTIONS OF SU1C1D3 & OR V1OL3NC3!!!! if you want to skip this scene, pls look for this emoji : ⚠️

his father lay dead in front of him, and with the rope around his neck and the stool positoned in the center of the room, shiloh supposed that he didn't have to question it farther.

it was a goddamned miracle.

the man who had abused him endlessly- treated him like some sort of punch bag- touched him carelessly with no moral concious and inflicted years of pain and self-hatred on the boy had finally done something right in the world, and even still it was too much for the weakhearted boy.

whether the scream that he let out was of joy or pain, one would genuinely not know- but it reached the boy who sat, parked on the street as he was about to pull away, immediately notifying kaidon that something was dearly wrong.

the sixteen year old couldn't help but to began to sob over his only family's dead body, his chest beginning to exert a bit too qucikly as he was thrown into a panic that immediatelly hit shiloh like a truck. what was he going to do with no father, even if he was barely there anyway? why did he do it? why couldn't he just try to get better, and apologize to him for all the years of pain he had inflicted?

sorrow, or joy? which one was shiloh supposed to feel- the fact that predator who had stripped him of any innocence was dead, or the fact that his father who had been the only one watching him grow up was dead?


in a way, shiloh felt both as the voice in his laments drowned out into what seemed to be a silent sob that hollowed his chest with a physical pain. the sixteen year old grabbed the front of the dress he wore that was thoroughly soaked in his own tears and rainwater, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to cope with the physical overload of emotions that ran through his body before he was taken back into an embrace.

"it's alright shi," kaidon murmured to the younger who immediately accepted it, turning around before kaidon securely held him tightly in his arms. the boy's dark eyes lingered on the man's dead body, much more used to the sight of the lifeless carcass of a former human then his lover would and would ever be, because kaidon would make sure shiloh wouldn't ever have to witness the horrors of death. "i'll call the police, alright?"


the seventeen year old looked down in sudden shock at the exhausted boy he held in his arms, everything in his usually unexpressive expression voicing his shock.

"leave him there," shiloh murmured finally before he glanced up at the redhead who's eyes softened with remorse for his fairly sensitive lover who deserved anything but the amount of sorrow he was in at the moment. "it's what he deserves."
"okay." kaidon complied as he helped stand up the shorter on wobbly legs who still clung to him. "you'll tell me later, right?"

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