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𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫.

"shi, watch your step. it's really icy out here."

the blonde smiled over at his boyfriend, his blue eyes twinkling with compassion as he laid eyes on kaidon who was too caught up in making sure shiloh didn't fall to notice the smaller's eyes on him. despite being able to do it on his own, shiloh had given up on simply walking through the snow- instead he let the older male guide his steps with a semi-tight grip on his waist.

to say that he was overprotective was an understatement, but to say shiloh enjoyed it would be even more of one. kaidon's possesive nature had seemed to peak even higher shortly after shiloh's seventeenth birthday- when things really started exploding for the two.

merely saying shiloh had "earned his spot" or "made himself known" wasn't adeuqate to what had taken place during the past few months. not only was kaidon's return to the beauty industry a success, but the seemingly mysterious boy he returned with on his side fa is aged the media beyond predictability. despite the fact that their debut had been almost four months ago now, the bookings and requests for the two teenagers signed officially under cristina's label just kept pouring into her office along with an abundance of what seemed to be not only media attention, but fans..?

when he thought about it, shiloh wasn't truly sure what to call it. after all, the boy surely wouldn't have imagined in all of his life that he could make money based on just the way that he looked and people would love him for it too. all the money that he earned, he saved up for the future- with the casual occasion of spoiling himself with a new piece here and there that was mostly encouraged by kaidon, who had to help shiloh ease into a similar type of lifestyle he had led since he was born. however, there was nothing superfluous about it; shiloh genuinely needed help adjusting. the boy had never even given a mere thought to the type of money that was floating around him, and now that it was happening it was more than a bit of shock. luckily, kaidon was there from the very beginning to calm him down despite all the changes.

and god, the changes- they were immense. what once was simply walking to school became an ordeal of disguising himself with sunglasses, a hat- anything to blur recognition but it seemed as if the papparazzi were just too good at hunting him down. obviously, it was frustrating to arive at school and a crowd of fully grown adults wanting to know morbid things about you were waiting outside of the building. nothing was private- not even yearbook photos that somehow ended up in teenage fashion magazines, absolutely ridculed over but at least it wasn't in a bad way.

however, it had gotten to the point where if he could choose, shiloh would surely love to swamp schools but logically.. retreating and fleeing to a private school would probably make it worse.

as long as he was next to him, it didn't matter.

"okay," kaidon exhaled as they finally managed to trek across the snowy sidewalk that desperately needed to be salted. the winter was a cold one, but it was especially icy. "ready?"
"as i can be." shiloh said somewhat sarcasticaly with a smile before reaching into his messagner bag. the redhead accepted the umbrella that he handed him, because despite the fact that it wasn't snowing they would need it before they simply turned the corner on the sidewalk. due to the fact that they were minors, usually one would think that the papparazzi would hold back a bit but the assumption was sadly false.

something in kaidon stirred as he opened the umbrella carefully, tilting it at a slight angle above their heads so that both of their faces were covered before they continued to approach the point that they walked to every day after school. shiloh did not see the slight hesitation in kaidon's expression as the younger grasped his hand. while the soft embrace of his hand was enough to lift kaidon's spirts, kaidon still couldn't shake the feeling that he got from the undertones in shiloh's soft voice.

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